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About This Club

Team AïR is a team for kind and respectful people that look to have fun doing activities together ,we are friendly and we help each other ,anyone can join from shiny hunters to comp players ,we are friendly towards to new players as well, only criteria is to be a good and friendly person :)
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hello! I have 512 hours in game, all regions, full pokedex and 4 shinies. I love grinding money and shunting. I'm looking for a positive and solid team where I can learn more and have fun! IGN: Riaam
  3. Hi, my ign is PryzmDragon and was wandering if I could join team air? I came from team gold which unfortunately broke apart. I have around 196 hours and 5 of the regions completed. Looking forward to meeting you all
  4. Hey, im a fairly new player with 200h but i've been into pokemon for almost 20 years now and was previously in Team Gold, Team air got recommended to me and i would love to join 🙂
  5. My Ign is MistaLost I'm a 4 year pokeMMO veteran. I quit last December and restarted pokeMMO a few weeks ago. I have 4 regions completed and I'm very experienced
  6. Hello o/ My IGN is Kavraka. I got all regions completed, Full dex done, 4 shines hopefully soon ill have my 5th (being shiny haxorus) I fill my time with Shiny hunting and Gym/ Trainer runs in between events. Looking to join a solid team and my friends that have already joined, Inv me if you got a slot.
  7. Hi there, My IGN is SwaggerOCT, Ive been playing pokemmo for little over a year. I got all regions completed,1050+ hours, 12 OT shinies and lucky red dragon 😛 I mostly just shiny hunt and chill. Looking to join a fun community, Inv me if you got a slot.
  8. Hey all o/ I would like to join you guys. I got almost 2000 hours, all regions completed and so far 9 Shinys. I love to Grind the game and play mostly PvE Stuff. Would love to hear from you. You could also message me on Discord, same name as here. ✌️
  9. Hi, I have about 2300+ hours spent playing since 2019, I have access to Mt. Silver along with 32 OT shinnies +1 alt account shiny. I am active daily and I mainly focus on shiny hunting, but would love to be apart of the community. My IGN is ZerotheHero and my discord is reddozero Thank you and have a wonderful day! 😊
  10. Hi, I have 5 shinies, ~650 hours. Shiny Hunting and money making. IGN is RamonQ.
  11. Hi there! I have about 800 hrs IG, 3 shinys, all regions/full dex unlocked, and do PvP & shiny hunting both casually. I am hoping to join a positive and active team, especially as raids approach! I am a pretty active player. my IG name is verdebirde
  12. Hi! I have about 1600 hours in game, all regions done, and 9 shinies. I really like PvE content and optimizing fights and strategies for money making via PvE methods. I shiny hunt and do PvP casually as well. Mostly just looking for a positive fun community to join! IGN and Discord names are JinxedBoon Hope to hear from you ❤️
  13. I have 5 Shinies, altaria, sharpedo, psyduck, steelix, and salamence. I have 800+ hours into the game. I berry farm for my main source of money. IGN PokeSirius
  14. A shiny torchic/combusken celebration! Date Sunday, 14th of July Time 12 am CST, 7 pm EET, 5 pm UTC Location Hoenn, Route 112, Ch. 1 Pokemon accepted as valid entries: Torchic (Lures only) +10 Marill -10 Rules You have 1 hour to catch entries. To win 1st-3rd places, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest IV's + possible bonuses. To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest. You can only submit ONE entry. Players can enter the event with only one account/character. (AïR members ONLY) No sign ups! Just show up! All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location. Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will NOT be accepted as a valid entry. You must be the OT of the Pokémon. After the 1h catching phase, you must link your entry to @opmas via whisper to submit it. Keep the pokemon in your party till results. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time. 1st place Prize 2,000,000$ ragilfragil 2nd Place Prize 1,500,000$ bethesnow 3rd Place Prize 1,000,000$ pokesirius 4th Place Prize 500,000$ sayonaraEX EVENT CONCLUDED! Thank you all for participating, gg's! Host opmas Sponsor Masterkeyys Good luck and have fun AïR! ☁
  15. Quinnsman - 33 ty & gl everyone !! o7
  16. A shiny mudkip/marshtomp celebration! Date Sunday, 7th of July Time 11 am CST, 6 pm EET, 4 pm UTC Location Hoenn, Route 120, Ch. 5 Pokemon accepted as valid entries: Marshtomp (Lures only) +10 Absol Kecleon Rules You have 1 hour to catch entries. To win 1st-3rd places, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest IV's + possible bonuses. To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest. You can only submit ONE entry. Players can enter the event with only one account/character. (AïR members ONLY) No sign ups! Just show up! All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location. Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will NOT be accepted as a valid entry. You must be the OT of the Pokémon. After the 1h catching phase, you must link your entry to @opmas via whisper to submit it. Keep the pokemon in your party till results. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time. 1st place Prize 2,000,000$ TCknight 2nd Place Prize 1,500,000$ paradiez 3rd Place Prize 1,000,000$ amargaa 4th Place Prize 500,000$ bindiii EVENT CONCLUDED, thank you for participating! Host opmas Sponsor Masterkeyys Good luck and have fun AïR! ☁
  17. 26 IGN: Bindiii Thank you for this event and good luck!
  18. BenOverbish - 53 ty keyys and gl all o7
  19. 51 - amargaa Ty for the lottery keyys
  20. Lordgirlsama - 69 Ty keyys, GL everyone. 69 should win though... its only fair....
  21. 20 - GSTricks Gl everyone ❤️
  22. lotery ticket : 58 IGN : Viizar good luck yall , and thank you

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