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How to trade Ditto Boxes

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image.gif.854ae6f5c1b5f571518250c2fa1cf10e.gifTed's guide on How to trade Ditto Boxesimage.gif.854ae6f5c1b5f571518250c2fa1cf10e.gif

I've had a lot of people ask me how to trade Ditto boxes so I decided to make this guide on how to trade them.

I'll cover some basic info on them, how to trade them and some tips and tricks on how to trade them fast.


I won't cover anything regarding ditto farming but feel free to check this guide for that:




Okay so with that said, what are these famous ditto boxes?



We call ditto boxes a PC box full of dittos (60 dittos) with no good IVs or 31 IV on any stat and it's usually sold on the trade instead of the GTL.

So, why trade over GTL?

Ignoring the fact that you need to pay fees for every ditto you put on the GTL, trading a whole box is more efficient in terms of money and time.

Why buy/sell these boxes?


Shiny hunters need these boxes to shiny hunt via egg shiny hunt, I'll cover this topic on an extensive guide about it later so stay tuned for further info.

It's a nice way to make money for those selling them, it's usually around 220k a box on the trade so it's a good way to farm money and for shiny hunters it's a nice way to have a lot of dittos available for their hunts.

I'll link the egg shiny hunting guide here later(Work in progress)


Okay so now to the actual trade, how to trade them?


First you gotta find a buyer in case you're the one selling them or a seller in case you're the one that wants them.
For that we're gonna head to the trade tab and we're gonna type the basic info, you can add whatever you want after but for this one imma keep it short.
Feel free to add the price you want to sell or buy or just leave it for when someone whispers you to buy/sell.

In case you never traded on this tab click on the bottom left tab and switch it to trade.

And some quick notes on the WTB: For buyers WTB "Want To Buy" and for sellers WTS "Want To Sell". There's an extra WTT "Want To Trade" but for this guide we're not gonna use it.



Once you find the trade you want it's time to meet(same place same channel), I recommend going to a non-crowded channel and meet on the second floor of any PokeCenter; I'll tell you why later.
As you might know you can only trade 5 dittos at a time, so the idea is, both the buyer and the seller set up in a way next to a PC storaging system for both of you to make a fast trade.

Now for the setup, both of you need to have the entire team except for one mon empty. I recommend having a non tradeable mon as a lead for the party so in case you mess up you wont trade any undesired mon.
The buyer: You will empty your party like mentioned. The seller: you will fill your party with dittos except for the lead mon.
Now, there's various ways to trade them and I won't go in depth here, I'll leave that for the tips and tricks section so for now I'll just explain the basis of the trade.
Once you're both set up you send the trade request or get the trade request sent to you, either works and the seller will put all the dittos on the trading window.
If it's the first trade the buyer will pay the price for the whole box so that the entire box trade will be faster.

BE CAREFUL: Make sure you both stated the terms of the trade nice and clear on the chat and make sure to screenshot it.


So in case any of the parts tries to scam the other you can just go open a support ticket here and the other player will most likely get banned or at least punished, and you'll get what you lost back.
Do not try to fool the devs by saying you didn't get the trade because they can see what trades you made. Only report a player when they actually scammed you and you have proof of it.

So, first trade, whole payment for the entire box and then you both get to trade normally without any further payouts.
The buyer gets the 5 dittos goes to the PC system and deposit them all and get ready for the next trade. The seller has no dittos so they go fill their inventory again and get ready to trade
Just repeat the proccess mentioned before until you're done trading the box. If you need to buy/sell more boxes the entire proccess repeats.

That's the trade, now for the tips and tricks that make this trade really fast.


First of all: Custom strings. They will make the entire proccess much faster and it's really nice to save some time for either part. you can use any but make sure they have faster interactions with the PC, I'll leave you my custom strings that already include these in case you need them.

As always, these strings are not beginner friendly, it will remove some texts that new people might find useful so use at your own risk.



Now for the setup: 

When you're trading boxes there's a couple ways to shorten the proccess: 


-Having clear view of the person you wanna trade with, that's why we are choosing a non-crowded place.

-By right clicking on the person you want to trade with a menu will pop up and you can quickly choose to trade.


-Agreeing on one person stepping aside once they're ready for the next trade, normally the buyer is the one that needs to step aside because they have to put the dittos on the PC and stepping aside is a nice way to tell the buyer to send the trade.
Example buyer: I'll step aside once I'm ready for the next trade.


-Press Ctrl click on the dittos for faster trading. This  is one of the most important tricks because it saves a lot of time.


-If you're trading various boxes drag the empty or full box to the end and you will have the new box you need available just when you open the PC.


Here you have a vid in case you want to see a more visual guide by Patrouski:



Link to Patrouski's guide: 





That's all I have for you for now, hope you enjoyed it or learnt something new, if you still got any questions feel free to post your doubts and I'll be glad to help.

Happy farming, Ted is out for now ^^.


Edited by BrokenTed
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