Welcome to the Guide Tavern. This section is for creating guides that help the community with anything PokeMMO related.
Moderators: SecretDjinn, Edwardinho
- To create a guide, you must create a thread in the Work in Progress Guides section. Once approved, it will be moved to the regular Guide Tavern section.
- When creating a guide, it needs to look clean. This includes having proper punctuation, correct grammar and writing in full sentences. It also needs to be easy to read, so paragraphing and a bit of color are always good. Take a look at some of the completed guides to see what sort of standard your guide needs to be at.
- Do not create a guide that is asking a question. General questions can be asked here.
- Any questions relating to the topic of a guide can be asked in the thread of the guide itself.
- Do not create a guide that fulfills the exact same purpose as an already approved guide.
- You may add translations in other languages to your guide, but it must first be fully in English.
- Completed guides may be moved back to Work in Progress Guides
- As with all sections, the Code of Conduct applies, so please make sure you read and abide by those rules.
- Feedback on guides are more than welcome from the posters but please keep it constructive. If you feel a guide could benefit from something keep your feedback polite and on topic. Unnecessary and negative posts will be removed.
If you have any questions, or want advice on creating a guide, please send a private message to SecretDjinn