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posket's GOLD EXP/EVs

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First off I would like to preface this service, I will be using Gurbb's EXP shop as reference for what I will be charging.




ani_bw-S_060.gif.4fcd3b6c70b68ff97cb9e238293ddad3.gif Welcome to posket's EXP/EVs service exclusively for GOLD members! ani_bw-S_060.gif.4fcd3b6c70b68ff97cb9e238293ddad3.gif




IGN: posket

Discord: whatisanote


What is offered in this service?

1-100 at a discount

Due to the extreme discount I provide alongside a free EV train, pokemon that are 50-100 will remain the same price as 1-100.

EV training built in to the service above (exclusive to GOLD members)


I would like to offer some background as to why I have decided to start a service. To keep it short and sweet, I love EV training and don't mind the grind of levelling Pokemon either. I understand that people have busy schedules and may not want to sink an hour or two into EV training and levelling their Pokemon, I am the same way, therefor, I have decided to give you all a break and bring your mons to me! Now I don't claim to have an insane amount of free time either, but I do enjoy gaming and sink hours in daily primarily shiny hunting, so I am looking to make some bonus cash on the side to fuel my shiny addiction lol. Additionally, I would like to start contributing more to GOLD by donating some percentage of the proceeds I make back into the Team to fund future events over time. Also, rest assured the team is my top priority, as of now I do not do this for just anyone, but rather my teammates alone, and for the foreseeable future it is going to remain that way. I still have a lot to do in the game; completing my OT dex, building my own competitive teams, and a lot of shinies I would like to work for, so I cannot guarantee the fastest service, but from the moment I message you, I will make completing your pokemon the highest priority and my only priority at that given time. 


Now lets talk prices...

1-100 (Any mon BELOW 1.25 MIL REQUIRED XP) - $150k

50-100 will remain $150k due to the already discounted price.

1-100 (Any mon AT OR ABOVE 1.25 MIL REQUIRED XP)  - $200k

50-100 will remain $200k due to the already discounted price.

510 EVs (Free with the levelling service) // ($30k alone without the levelling service)

I also take Leppa Berries as tips if you feel so inclined 🙂


Bonus (Inspired by Gurbb's service):

If I find a shiny while providing the service your order will be completely free! 


Items I own:

EXP. Reamplifier

Training Link

EXP Charms



I know there are others that offer the same service on the team so I urge you to check them out first and pick the service that is best for you! (Will be linked below) 


Team GOLD EXP services:




Team GOLD Breeding Services:



Completed orders:

TO (Togekiss) Lvl 100   
EVs: 252 SpA / 6 SpD / 252 Spe  
H1 (Hydreigon) Lvl 100     
EVs: 6 HP / 212 SpA / 40 SpD / 252 Spe
Poliwrath Lvl 100  
EVs: 250 Atk / 32 Def / 228 Spe 
Excadrill Lvl 100  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe 

Feel free to DM me in game or on discord for additional questions, also services for your pokemon will not start until I message you that I am beginning!

Edited by shinynote
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