About This Club
Friendly English community for dedicated shiny hunters!
- What's new in this club
ProfessorEkie joined the club
CaramelHazelnut joined the club
NichtZuFest joined the club
-Team LEGEND's OT Shiny Pokedex (WIP)- This is the table that registers all the shinies in Team LGND among all the members that have their shinies registered in the OT Shiny Board! Go at the bottom of the post to see the current bounties for missing shinies. Generation 1: Generation 2: Generation 3: Generation 4: Generation 5: 279/610 Current bounties*: *To get the shiny bounty you have to catch the shiny within the team. If you join the team with a new dex OT shiny that has a bounty on it, you will not get the bounty and the bounty will be deleted.*
IGN : TaNoMe Position : Captain Original Join Date : 09.10.2024 Country : Germany Languages : German, English Age : 23 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Favorite Pokemon / Endgame Goals <<<<As Endgame Goals I have a lot more shinys that I wanna catch but this 6 are the most desired imo>>>> ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ingame Specialities : - Buying Leppas and getting dry on every Shunt spot - changing outfit like every week - Losing Money in the Events cuz I need that Max Win :P Discord Contact : tanomeabi Hello, I´m Tarik aka TaNoMe since I was 10 I fell in love with MMO´s now almost 13 years later I discovered PokéMMO (actually 12 years cuz I started in 2023) now i´m Captain in team LGÑD. I learned many things in here in the short amount of time I´m here, made some new friends, shunted together and all of that I´m glad of being a part of team LGÑD and I hope I´ll be here for a LONG time c: If You want to Join our Team or simply just need help with something feel free to whisper me IG or on Discord! Good Luck with ur Shunts and happy Hunting TEAM LGÑD!
Team LGÑD x EVÖ - Did i hear Presents?
FlufyJ replied to Paulosaurus's topic in [LGÑD]LËGEND's Events
IGN: BeppeFF Position: ADMIN ✨ Discord: beppe__ Join date: 21/06/2024 Country: ITALY (above you can see my house at Rialto bridge) Languages: Italian, English Age: 29 Favorite Pokemon: (still missing his shiny ) 2025 goals: Utility shiny team (SPINDA priority, one and only shiny I got in OG games), get into PvP, start a rare shunt. Endgame goals: winning a catch event, shiny alpha, shiny semi-comp team, get more than one rare shiny I like: (List in progress...) In game specialties: fail to place in catch events, accidentally run from alphas, go afk while leppa hunting resulting in me back at PC after dc. Hi I'm BeppeFF, PvE and shunting are my main occupations, I like to have a pokemon for everything you can do in the game (even things I don't actually do) and I'd like them to be shiny ✨ Joined team LGÑD earlier this year to find more ways to enjoy the game, found a lot of amazing people to play together, incredible events and support and prayers for dry streaks. Message me for anything you need to ask about the team or for advice on the game! GO GO TEAM LGÑD!
Icemangerv joined the club
LEGEND: A shiny hunting team that's also versatile in other aspects of the game! What we offer: → Total 100+ members with an active discord server → An active and welcoming community along with a great team chat (and some pretty good memes too 😛) → Events: Pokémon Catching Events, various PvE/PvP events and Shiny Wars → Daily shiny charms → Shiny Team Pokedex and Shiny bounties Our requirements: ❗→ Must be a shiny hunter. ❗→ All regions finished suggested (you may be accepted even if you don't have all of them completed). ❗→ Be an active & chatty member. ❗→ Legit confirmation of trainer card image through discord direct message; there is no direct requirement for hours, but you'll need a good start date/hours played ratio. If you're below 500hrs, you'll be monitored to see if you're active enough, until you reach them. ❗→ 16 years old minimum. ❗→ Discord is required both for hour confirmation and to get in the team official server. Reach out to @FlufyJ (DC: @fluffy_j420) , @BeppeFF (DC: @beppe__) @DJRex (DC: @DJRex), or @Paulosaurus (DC: @Paulosaurus) on discord with your info to join the team! Shiny hunt with us!
IGN: realPaulosaurus Position: Moderator ✨ Original join date: 10.10.2024 Country: Germany Languages: German, English Age: 23 Favorite Pokemon: | Endgame goals: (I don´t have any specific favorite but here are some of my favorites and goals) In game specialties: Burning my money and doing stupid things Discord contact: paulosaurus Hi, i´m Paul, pretty new to the team to be honest, but trying to do my best the help out everywhere i can. In that short time i´m in team LGÑD i made a lot of new friends and learned much new stuff as well. Also i am in charge of the OT Shiny board✨. So if you got any Shinys✨ that are not on there just message me and i´ll add it. If you have any other questions you can message me as well. Stay safe out there and happy Hunting TEAM LGÑD!
IGN: SorakaRex Position : Admin Original join date : 2022-07-19 Favorite Pokèmon : Maractus End game goal: Getting particles on maractus, Having fun, and Shalpha maractus(soon™) Hi, I'm SorakaRex, a proud Maractus enthusiast! I joined this incredible team two years ago, and it quickly became a place I truly cherish. Being part of this community has been an amazing journey, and that's why I’m always striving to grow as a staff member to help make this team the best it can be, not just for myself, but for everyone who shares in its magic. To some it might be a club but to me it's a Home
@FlufyJ Position : Boss Original join date : August 2021 Favorite Pokèmon : Eevee End game goals : Shiny competitive Umbreon, Eevee collection with OT from all my friends, 6*0 Shalpha Steelix In game specialties : Breeding , egg shunting Discord contact : Fluffy_J420 As the leader of team LGÑD, it is my honor to make the first post in this category. I love this team as much as possible, and it is truly my home. I put my all into this team and I hope everyone shares the same sentiment as I do. I am always available to answer any and all questions people may have. HAPPY HUNTING TEAM LGÑD!
Team LGÑD x EVÖ - Did i hear Presents?
FlufyJ replied to Paulosaurus's topic in [LGÑD]LËGEND's Events
Can't wait for this event! -
Welcome to Team LGND's Winter Shiny Wars 2025! (Members and LGND Friends only) What are shiny wars? Basically shiny wars are a big team event in which the participants are divided in 3 teams: the objective is to get as many shinies as you can. Depending on how you encounter and catch (3x or 5x hordes, singles, etc) the shiny it gives more points, and the team with most points wins. Specifically, in our shiny wars there will be two leaderboards, one for teams, and one for the individuals. Event info The event will have a sign-up phase in which you have to mail to LEGENDBANK an entry fee of 200k, and after that you will be randomly drafted to one of the three teams. After the generation of teams, the hosts will balance them based on the individual playtime of people. Also, after paying the fee, you can still send some donations if you want. You can already start to sign up. There will be two leaderboards in our event: - The individual one will get the prizes based on donations; only the first 5 people will win prizes. - The teams one will get prizes based on entry fees: every participant of the winning team will get the prize. The signup phase will end on January 10th 2025, the opening ceremony will be on January 11th, and the actual event will start on January 12th 2025; it will finish on February 2nd 2025 for a total of 3 weeks. Point system Legendary shiny: 69 points Alpha Secret shiny: 30 points Alpha Egg shiny: 25 points Alpha shiny: 20 points Egg shiny: 15 points Fossil/casino shiny: 12 points Safari shiny: 10 points Single encounter shiny: 6 points Mysterious Poké Ball Alpha shiny: 5 points 3x horde shiny: 3 points 5x horde shiny: 2 points Mysterious Ball shiny: 1 point Secret shiny will give a +5 points bonus to all kinds of encounters. if you happen to actually get a shiny legendary we're gonna give you some stuff to make it nice 😄 Team announcement/Opening ceremony location and time Black City, Channel 1, on January 11th, 9 AM EST, You don't have to be present to the announcement, but if you're able to, show up; we want to take a big team pic! Rules - First of all you have to sign up to the event by mailing the entry fee of 200k to LEGENDBANK ; the signup phase will end January 4th. - The teams will be announced in Black city, as said before, and you will be randomly put in one of the three teams, with a further balancing prior to the announcement. - At the start of the event you'll have to vote for your team captain in the dedicated team channel that will be created for the wars - Safari shiny pokemon must be caught to count - Alts are not allowed in this event - In the event of a tie between 2 or more teams/2 or more players at the end of the event (February 2nd 2025), the event will go into sudden death: the first team to find any shiny wins - All team members can participate; non-team members may participate through staff invite only - Team Captains will be handled when teams are sorted out Themes Themes are periods of time that award bonus points to the shinies people find. They last 2 days. There's a theme per every staff member. - Spontaneous flash events (with way less duration) may occur during the shiny wars and they will give bonus points! Themes will switch at 12AM CET Day 1 of the war (Jan 12) will not have a theme Jan 13 - 14: Nartlachim - Midnight Star Gazing (Any Shiny Pokemon that is black gives +3 points) Jan 15 - 16: CaramelHazelnut - Team Magma Is Back! (Any Shiny Fire or Ground type gives +2 points) Jan 17 - 18: TaNoMe - Gen 1 Since Day 1 (Any Shiny Kanto dex Pokemon Caught Within Kanto gives +1 points) Jan 19 - 20: Fusingx - What's That? In The Sky? (Any Shiny Dragon Egg Group Pokemon gives +2 points) Jan 21 - 22 realPaulosaurus - Winter Wonderland (Any Shiny Ice Type Pokemon gives +2 points) Jan 23 - 24 StaloneSilvester - Are You Sure That's a Dog?? (Any Shiny Quadruped Pokemon gives +1 point) Jan 25 - 26 SorakaRex - It's Raining! (Any Shiny Normal or Rock Type gives +2 points) Jan 27 - 28 BeppeFF - Big Brain Time (Any Shiny Pokemon Consisting of Only a Head gives +3 points) Jan 29 - 30 Flufy - Tis the season (Any Shiny Red or Green Pokemon gives +2 points) The last 3 days of the War will have a special theme to be announced on Jan 30 [PLEASE SEE THE PINNED POST IN " #₍🥇₎┊shinywars-resources " ON THE LEGEND DISCORD SERVER FOR OUR TEAMS COLOR CODED SHINY DEX] [Please use this link for qualifying pokemon for shape based bonus points https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_shape ] TO MAKE YOUR ENTRY VALID, YOU MUST SCREENSHOT THE ENCOUNTER, THE OT AND THE DATE/TIME CATCH! TO SUBMIT IT, POST ALL OF THESE LISTED ABOVE INTO THE DEDICATED CHANNEL IN OUR DISCORD THE LEADERBOARDS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN A DEDICATED CHANNEL IN OUR DISCORD Registrations and donations: donations would be very much appreciated as any extra funds go towards the final prize pool ❤️ (donate to LEGENDBANK) Registrations and donations: SorakaRex - 200,000 ChampionSajid - 200,000 Nartlachim - 200,000 MarioPKMNfrlg - 200,000 FlufyJ - 1,200,000 CaramelHazelnut - 200,000 ProfessorEkie - 200,000 TaNoMe - 200,000 Zygory - 800,000 Lizzyv - 200,000 AbovePKM - 1,000,000 Helpiamhomeless -200,000 realPaulosaurus -200,000 Jujz - 200,000 ShinigamiGerv - 200,000 Sataydo - 200,000 KoobyKoober - 200,000 PKMRangerPain - 200,000 NichtZuFest - 200,000 JetxLore - 500,000 Fusingx - 200,000 BeppeFF - 500,000 KesetGamers - 200,000 StaloneSilvester - 200,000 Valkyriesyli - 200,000 KaiserBB - 200,000 ItzShabbz - 200,000 SyhRx - 200,000 Vidasi - 200,000 Scalesx - 2,000,000 ElFliko - 400,000 Paradhek - 200,000 TheoPembo - 200,000 Team : Sheer Cold Fusingx KoobyKoober ElFliko TaNoMe Helpiamhomeless AbovePKM CaramelHazelnut SyhRx Vidasi Pardahek SorakaRex Team : Guillotine MarioPKMNfrlg KaiserBB Zygory KesetGamers JetxLore PKMRangerPain realPaulosauros ChampionSajid ItzShabbz Scalesx ProfessorEkie Team : Fissure ShinigamiGerv FlufyJ Satayado StaloneSilvester Valkyriesly Lizzyv NichtZuFest Jujz BeppeFF Nartlachim TheoPembo
Team LGÑD x EVÖ - Did i hear Presents?
DJRex replied to Paulosaurus's topic in [LGÑD]LËGEND's Events
Event hype -
Team LGÑD x Team EVÖ - GOING TO COLLECT PRESENTS FOR SANTA! In collaboration from Team LGÑD and Team EVÖ we all going to help Santa to make this years Christmas more enjoyable for everyone! With more hands to help Santa and his Elfs dont have to do everything alone this year, and more presents are given out to all the well-behaved! All LGÑD and EVÖ members can participate. NON MEMBERS MAY PARTICIPATE THROUGH TEAM STAFF INVITE ONLY. Part 1: Location: Ice Path, Johto, Channel 1. Date and Time: December 14, 2024 6PM/18:00 CET/UTC+1 | 12PM EST Timezone Converter Duration: 1.5 hours for catching 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring: Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokémon accepted as valid entries: (Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon WILL be accepted as a valid entry) (+5) (+3) (+1) (-3) Nature bonus: Jolly +3 Adamant +2 Bold -1 Timid -3 Rules: • To win 1st to 3rd places that are sorted by High to Low, you need to submit an entry that scores the Highest • To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the Lowest. • You can only submit 1 entry • All Pokémon must be caught Within the event time and at the event location • All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) • Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon WILL be accepted as a valid entry • You must be the OT of the Pokémon • The Pokémon must be caught, you're not allowed to submit hatched Pokémon • You must link your entry to the host member or participating staff via whisper to submit it • In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time • Keep the Pokémon in your team until results! HOST: @FlufyJ | @Grimzyy Prizing for catching: Dragngodlucky - 1st: 6 x Shiny Charm, 5x31 Timid "FlufyJ" OT Alpha Delibird, 600rp and 5m Pokeyen ItzDraz - 2nd: 3 x Shiny Charm, 500rp and 2m Pokeyen GigiHG - 3rd: 2 x Shiny Charm, 500rp and 1m Pokeyen fusingx - 4th: 300rp, 1m Pokeyen and a 5x31 Modest "Craven" OT Vanillite Part 2: Location: Undella Town, Villa of the Riches, Channel 1 Time: 15 - 20 minutes after prizing is distributed for catching portion, to give players enough time to set up their Delibird Rules: Any Delibird can be used Make sure it has over 10 HP IVs or it scales down to EV Training for small advantages is prohibited Delibird MUST only know the move "Present" Delibird MUST hold a Leppa Berry or you will be DQ´d! PP Up and PP max on "Present" is not allowed to keep it fair Battles MUST scale to Lv1 to ensure all Delibirds will have the same stats Battles will be best of 3 If for any reason you are unable to use "Present" (disabled, out of pp, etc) then the match will be restarted Host: @FlufyJ | @Grimzyy Prizing for PvP: Zygory - 1st: 6 x Shiny Charm, 5x31 Jolly Weavile, 600rp and 5m Pokeyen Scales - 2nd: 3 x Shiny Charm, 500rp and 2m Pokeyen Nartlachim - 3rd: 2 x Shiny Charm, 500rp and 1m Pokeyen - 4th: 2 x Shiny Charm, 500rp and 1m Pokeyen GigiHG - Loser bracket: 5x31 Modest "TeMiroYTeSedusco" OT Vanillite Donations (so far): 5x31 Timid "FlufyJ" OT Alpha Delibird 5x31 Timid "Kermitoo" OT Staryu 5x31 Jolly Weavile 8 Shiny Charms Sponsored by LGÑD Bank 1m Pokeyen Sponsored by Team LGÑD 5x31 Modest "Craven" OT Vanillite 5x31 Modest "TeMiroYTeSedusco" OT Vannilite 8m Pokeyen 5 Shiny Charms Sponsored by Team EVÖ 4000 RP, 6m Pokeyen, 8 Shiny Charms Sponsored by @FlufyJ Get Together: We are planning to get together in Discord as well, to prevent total chaos with all the members we are planning to get into a Voice Channel on the PokeMMO Duders Discord, so make sure u joined before the event to be prepared! PokeMMO Duders Discord
nartlachim joined the club
Team LEGEND's OT Shiny Board- Legend: : Secret shiny : Alpha shiny : Safari shiny Multiple shinies will be counted as "x times". }-------------------------------------------------- Reeeiko (39) --------------------------------------------------{ x2 }-------------------------------------------------- catbongo (28) --------------------------------------------------{ x4 }-------------------------------------------------- KoobyKoober (27) --------------------------------------------------{ x4 }-------------------------------------------------- Bittfenia (23) --------------------------------------------------{ x4x7x3 }-------------------------------------------------- Scalesx (22) --------------------------------------------------{ x2x3x2 }-------------------------------------------------- syhRx (15) --------------------------------------------------{ x3 }-------------------------------------------------- Dragoniy (15) --------------------------------------------------{ x3x2 x2 }-------------------------------------------------- ElFliko (14) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Bowbolp (14) --------------------------------------------------{ x2 }-------------------------------------------------- SorakaRex (14) --------------------------------------------------{ x2 }-------------------------------------------------- MyPokeballs (14) --------------------------------------------------{ x2 }-------------------------------------------------- yoyoimrose (13) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- StaloneSilvester (13) --------------------------------------------------{ x4 x3 }-------------------------------------------------- redQxQ (12) --------------------------------------------------{ x3 }-------------------------------------------------- Benblade (11) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- tripii (10) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- squickGianno (10) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- BattousaiSilver (9) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- AlRagum (9) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Kirbstoper (9) --------------------------------------------------{ x2x2 }-------------------------------------------------- Valkyriesyli (8) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Tonyiy (8) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- DoopDoopDeeDoop (8) --------------------------------------------------{ x2 }-------------------------------------------------- Tharmot (7) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Nartlachim (7) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Cicciomazzocca (7) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- JetBlackWingz (7) --------------------------------------------------{ x2 }-------------------------------------------------- Tacoboutit (6) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- BeppeFF (6) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- MaxDrezy (6) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- SemihArriba (6) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- MarioPKMNfrlg (6) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Roobinson (5) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- xqsemoi (5) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Lancergx (5) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- HelpIamHomeless (5) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Zygory (5) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- MythyAbyss (5) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- ItzShabbz (5) --------------------------------------------------{ x2x2 }-------------------------------------------------- AutisticSam (4) --------------------------------------------------{ }----------------------------------------------- realPaulosaurus (4) -----------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- KevinDidIt (4) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- TaNoMe (4) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- ChaoticGX (4) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------- PKMNRangerPain (4) ---------------------------------------------{ x2 }-------------------------------------------------- Ofelion (4) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- BaldBadMan (4) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- CaramelHazelnut (3) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Swolekarp (3) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- fusingx (3) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- AbovePKM (3) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- MGDobby (3) --------------------------------------------------{ x2 }-------------------------------------------------- Porizz (2) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Scottylfc (2) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- ShinigamiGerv (2) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- ProfessorEkie (2) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- JorgeDLaw (2) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- MCGDobby (2) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- TiddoO (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- sagarbro (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- caanserbero (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- kinggold (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- WhySoPSYco (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- KratosUN (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- NichtZuFest (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Polymorphist (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- KesetGamers (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- LemonCity (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- ChampionSajid (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Vidasi (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Pardahek (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- KesetGamers (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- MeinZehTutWeh (1) --------------------------------------------------{ }-------------------------------------------------- Uriamu (1) --------------------------------------------------{
JOKERGAMIN joined the club
Team LGÑD - ITS SPOOKY SEASON! In celebration, we are going on a ghost hunt. If there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? TEAM LGÑD! All LGÑD members can participate. NON MEMBERS MAY PARTICIPATE THROUGH TEAM STAFF INVITE ONLY. Players with the "Veterans and Old Friends" role on the LGÑD discord server may participate without formal invitation. Location : Relic Castle, Unova, Channel 1. Date and Time: October 26, 2024 2PM EST / 8PM CEST (GMT+2) TIMEZONE CONVERTER Duration : 1.5 hours for catching 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring : Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokémon accepted as valid entries: (Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon WILL be accepted as a valid entry) (+3) (0) (-3) Nature bonus: Bold +3 Relaxed +2 Lonely -3 Hasty -2 Rules: • To win 1st to 3rd places that are sorted by High to Low, you need to submit an entry that scores the Highest • To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the Lowest. • You can only submit 1 entry • All Pokémon must be caught Within the event time and at the event location • All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) • Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon WILL be accepted as a valid entry • You must be the OT of the Pokémon • The Pokémon must be caught, you're not allowed to submit hatched Pokémon • You must link your entry to the host member or participating staff via whisper to submit it • In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time • Keep the Pokémon in your team until results! HOST: FlufyJ Prizing : 1st : x2 Shiny Charm, Spinning Scythe Particle Effect, Spider's Web Particle Effect, 1000rp, 5M Pokeyen 2nd : x2 Shiny Charm, Spinning Scythe Particle Effect, 500rp, 3M Pokeyen 3rd : x2 Shiny Charm, 500rp, 2M Pokeyen 4th : x2 Shiny Charm, 5x31 Lonley nature Alpha Meowth Donations (so far) : 2000 RP, 5M Pokeyen, x7 Shiny Charm x2 Spinning Scythe Particle Effect, Spider's Web Particle Effect - @FlufyJ 5M Pokeyen , 5x31 Lonley nature Alpha Meowth - Team Bank x1 Shiny Charm - Tariiik Be on the lookout for future events, and as always, HAPPY HUNTING TEAM LGÑD!
Paulosaurus joined the club
TaNoMe joined the club
Butterfreezie joined the club
AlwaysDon joined the club
PokePyrce joined the club
BeppeFF joined the club
Jujz joined the club
iiMitsuha joined the club
darkfire99Q8 joined the club
cGrzzly joined the club
the legendary shiny points, nice
Corrslight joined the club
TEAM LGÑD - HIDE AND SEEK #2 The time for shiny wars is upon us! Come play Hide and Seek with the LGÑD staff members to win some resources for the war! Date: July 27, 2024, 3pm UTC Location: All 5 Regions, Channel 1 (Meet at New Bark Town Johto) Explanation: LGÑD staff members will take turns between rounds hiding in one of the five regions. Once we announce that the chosen hiding staff member is ready to be found, you can start searching for them. There will be 12 rounds and the first person to find and trade request the staff member hiding will win a prize. The chosen staff member will give 2 clues about their location after certain intervals, then finally the region they're in. This event will take place on Channel 1. Rules: All participating team members are to stay in New Bark Town Johto Channel 1 OUTSIDE near the Mother House at the beginning of every round whilst the chosen staff member hides. Failure to do so or begin hunting before the round starts will result in disqualification from that specific round. We will always be hiding in Channel 1. Event-related information will be shared via team chat. We will announce at the start of every round that one of us is ready to be found. The first player to send a trade request to the hiding staff member will win the round. Access to all regions is necessary if you would like to participate fully. Prizes will be announced after each round. EVENT ONLY AVAILABLE TO TEAM MEMBERS WHO HAVE SIGNED UP FOR SHINY WARS EVENT NOT AVAILABLE TO TEAM STAFF MEMBERS DONATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED : ALL PRIZING WILL COME FROM STAFF AND BANK Prizing : x600 LURES x2 (7 day) DONATOR STATUS x12 SHINY CHARMS x12,000 Leppa berries (TY @kermitoo ) x1 DITTO BOX Be on the lookout for more events, and as always, HAPPY HUNTING TEAM LGÑD!
Welcome to Team LGND's Summer Shiny Wars II! (Members and LGND Friends only) What are shiny wars? Basically shiny wars are a big team event in which the participants are divided in 3 teams: the objective is to get as many shinies as you can. Depending on how you encounter and catch (3x or 5x hordes, singles, etc) the shiny it gives more points, and the team with most points wins. Specifically, in our shiny wars there will be two leaderboards, one for teams, and one for the individuals. Event info The event will have a sign-up phase in which you have to mail to LegendsBank an entry fee of 200k, and after that you will be randomly drafted to one of the three teams. After the generation of teams, the hosts will balance them based on the individual playtime of people. Also, after paying the fee, you can still send some donations if you want. You can already start to sign up. There will be two leaderboards in our event: - The individual one will get the prizes based on donations; only the first 5 people will win prizes. - The teams one will get prizes based on entry fees: every participant of the winning team will get the prize. The signup phase will end on 3rd of August, 2024, 12:00 AM UTC, and the actual event will start on 4th of August, 2024, 12:00 PM (midday) UTC; it will finish on 25th of August, 2024, 12:00 PM UTC for a total of 3 weeks. Point system Legendary shiny: 69 points Alpha Secret shiny: 30 points Alpha Egg shiny: 25 points Alpha shiny: 20 points Egg shiny: 15 points Fossil shiny: 12 points Safari shiny: 10 points Single encounter shiny: 6 points Mysterious Poké Ball Alpha shiny: 5 points 3x horde shiny: 3 points 5x horde shiny: 2 points Mysterious Poké Ball shiny: 1 point Secret shiny will give a +5 points bonus to all kinds of encounters. if you happen to actually get a shiny legendary we're gonna give you some stuff to make it nice 😄 Announcement location and time Teams will be announced in Black City, Channel 1, on 3rd of August 3:00 PM UTC You don't have to be present to the announcement, but if you're able to, show up; we want to take a big team pic! Rules - First of all you have to sign up to the event by mailing the entry fee of 200k to LegendsBank; the signup phase will end the 3rd of August, 12:00 AM UTC. - The teams will be announced in Black city, as said before, and you will be randomly put in one of the three teams, with a further balancing prior to the announcement. - At the start of the event you'll have to vote for your team captain in the dedicated team channel that will be created for the wars - Safari shiny pokemon must be caught to count - Alts are not allowed in this event - In the event of a tie between 2 or more teams/2 or more players at the end of the event (12:00 PM UTC August 25th, 2024), the event will go into sudden death: the first team to find any shiny wins - All team members can participate; non-team members may participate through staff invite only - Team Captains will be handled when teams are sorted out Themes Themes are periods of time that award bonus points to the shinies people find. They last 2 days. There's a theme per every staff member. - Kerm's Dragon Rage: Anything (besides Magikarp) that is in the Dragon egg group will get a bonus point. (5th Aug 12:00 AM UTC to 7th Aug 12:00 AM UTC) - Soraka's Des(s)ert Cactus Maractus: Any Ground and Fire type Shinies will get a bonus point. (7th Aug 12:00 AM UTC to 9th Aug 12:00 AM UTC) - Murn's Chess Parade: Any Steel and Dark type Shinies will get a bonus point. (10th Aug 12:00 AM UTC to 12th Aug 12:00 AM UTC) - Elf's Rumbly Tummy: Any Shiny caught on a honey tree will get a bonus point. (12th Aug 12:00 AM UTC to 14th Aug 12:00 AM UTC) - Move's Future Sight: Any caught Shiny that would be a Fairy type nowadays will get a bonus point. (14th Aug 12:00 AM UTC to 16th Aug 12:00 AM UTC) - Tal's Eternal Confusion: Any Psychic type Shiny will get a bonus point. (17th Aug 12:00 AM UTC to 19th Aug 12:00 AM UTC) - Tris' City Tour: Any Shiny caught in a city or town will get a bonus point. (19th Aug 12:00 AM UTC to 21th Aug 12:00 AM UTC) - Fluf's Fall Harvest: Anything that is in the Plant egg group will get a bonus point. (21st Aug 12:00 AM UTC to 23rd Aug 12:00 AM UTC) - Jet's Teal Madness: Any Teal colored shiny will get a bonus point. (23rd Aug 12:00 AM UTC to 25th Aug 12:00 AM UTC) - Spontaneous flash events (with way less duration) may occur during the shiny wars and they will give bonus points! TO MAKE YOUR ENTRY VALID, YOU MUST SCREENSHOT THE ENCOUNTER, THE OT AND THE DATE/TIME CATCH! TO SUBMIT IT, POST ALL OF THESE LISTED ABOVE INTO THE DEDICATED CHANNEL IN OUR DISCORD THE LEADERBOARDS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN A DEDICATED CHANNEL IN OUR DISCORD Registrations and donations: donations would be very much appreciated as any extra funds go towards the final prize pool ❤️ (donate to LegendsBank) LegendsBank: $30,200,000 Bmaggz: $5,200,000 xlirate: $200,000 OnlyLuckyOnce: $200,000 Gibmister: $25,200,000 FlufyJ: $200,000 DeviousDuck: $200,000 SorakaRex: $200,069, 1x Fluffy Tail, 115x Quick Powder Gamer2020: $50,200,000 Kermitoo: $5,200,000 ElFliko: $200,000 JetxLore: $200,000 KevinDidIt: $200,000 OKAYLOL: $200,000 Pairel: $500,000 TheoPembo: $500,000 RTRDave: $200,000 StokedEagle: $1,000,000 TiddoO: $200,000 TrainerMurn: $200,000 MyNameIsTris: $500,000 Zygory: $200,000 Xelator: $500,000 LeftyMcRefmugger: $200,000 Jujz: $400,000, Alpha Braviary, Alpha Purugly PoKamie: $400,000, 1x Ability patch of each type AlphaDrake: $200,000 MoVeThaT: $200,000, 5x Mysterious Cherish Balls QueenMaisie: $300,000 helpiamhomeless: $200,000 fringoss: $200,000 LibbySM: $200,000 SadcuzBad: $200,000 KazcjataR: $10,200,000 Corrslight: $500,000 DomGat: $500,000 tripii: $200,000 ReyadElric: $500,000 thedynamight: $200,000 Tariiikk: $200,000 iCatchem: $1,200,000 DragontamerUk: $300,000, 10x Heart Scale, 1x Choice band, 1x Exp Charm (100%), 1x Riches Charm (75%), 3x Metal powder xiNikoo: $200,000 TrustMeXD: $250,000 KoobyKoober: $200,000 Phases: $200,000 MrGunn: $200,000 JustMayo: $200,000 KiwiSlvv: $200,000 Cheeney: $200,000 LongConSIlver: $200,000 BlergWerg: $200,000 syhRx: $200,000 Roobinson: $200,000 Jodesi: $200,000 ChaoticGX: $200,000 bigboycharizard: $200,000 Totalbummer: $200,000 Obludaa: $200,000 IotNox: $200,000 SupaSqueegie: $200,000 PlayAtDark: $200,000 leSnifferofShins: $200,000 SemihArriba: $200,000 Bowbolp: $200,000 Porizz: $200,000 BeppeFF: $420,000 Silberfoxx: $200,000 Talinl: $600,000 Cicciomazzocca: $200,000 squickGianno: $200,000 papitime: $200,000 Tikksie: $200,000 Scalesx: $200,000 Ofelion: $500,000 SiHoki: $200,000 Kirbstoper: $200,000 MaxDrezy: $200,000 WilliamMassi: $350,000 JetBlackWingz: $200,000 GabrieleCarta: $200,000, 1x Heart scale Reeeiko: $200,000 Benblade: $200,000, 1x Poke Doll WhySoPSYco: $200,000 Kosharku: $200,000 Prize pool (money only): $147.420.069 Team Rosters Team Sweet Scent: Winners Captain: Talinl ReyadElric KazcjataR TrainerMurn iCatchem Gibmister MyNameIsTris Reeeiko PoKamie LeftyMcRefmugger TheoPembo Ofelion Silberfoxx Zygory Scalesx SupaSqueegie KevinDidIt TrustMeXD TiddoO Totalbummer JustMayo BeppeFF Roobinson SorakaRex WhySoPSYco bigboycharizard squickGianno Phases Team Spore Captain: Bmaggz OnlyLuckyOnce Obludaa FlufyJ Gamer2020 StokedEagle RTRDave xlirate DeviousDuck JetxLore MaxDrezy PlayAtDark AlphaDrake SemihArriba DragontamerUk LongConSIlver thedynamight Tikksie LibbySM Cheeney Kirbstoper GabrieleCarta SiHoki ElFliko OKAYLOL xiNikoo Cicciomazzocca DomGat Team False Swipe Captain: Jujz SadcuzBad fringoss MrGunn Kermitoo tripii leSnifferofShins BlergWerg MoVeThaT QueenMaisie KoobyKoober ChaoticGX IotNox Xelator syhRx helpiamhomeless Tariiikk Porizz Pairel JetBlackWingz Bowbolp WilliamMassi KiwiSlvv papitime Corrslight Benblade Kosharku Jodesi Team Prizes: Each participant in the winning team will get $2.5m! Individual prizes: 1st place: Kermitoo $25.420.069, 5x Cherish balls, Alpha Braviary 2nd place: SupaSqueegie $20.000.000, 1x Riches charm(+75%), Alpha Purugly 3rd place: Pairel $15.000.000, 1x Choice band, 1x Exp charm(+100%), 11x Heart scale 4th place: xiNikoo $10.000.000, 3 Ability patches (1 of each type), 1x Fluffy tail, 1x Poke doll 5th place: SiHoki $7.000.000, 115x Quick powder, 3x Metal powder Thanks for joining us!!!
AizenVolt joined the club
bm4gg joined the club
Dean46 joined the club
Gibmister joined the club
It was a beautiful event!
Team LGÑD - SAFARI CATCH EVENT That Aipom stole @JetxLore's hat! Help us get it back! All LGÑD members can participate. NON MEMBERS MAY PARTICIPATE THROUGH TEAM STAFF INVITE ONLY Location : Hoenn Safari zone Area 6 channel 1. Date and Time: June 9th 2024 2PM EST / 8PM CEST (GMT+2) TIMEZONE CONVERTER Duration : 1.5 hours for catching 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring : Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokémon accepted as valid entries: (+3) (+2) (-2) (-3) Nature bonus: Jolly +3 Adamant +2 Modest -2 Timid -3 Rules: • To win 1st to 3rd places that are sorted by High to Low, you need to submit an entry that scores the Highest • To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the Lowest. • You can only submit 1 entry • All Pokémon must be caught Within the event time and at the event location • All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) • Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon WILL be accepted as a valid entry • You must be the OT of the Pokémon • The Pokémon must be caught, you're not allowed to submit hatched Pokémon • You must link your entry to the host member or participating staff via whisper to submit it • In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time • Keep the pokemon in your team untill results! HOST: FlufyJ Prizing : 1st place - 1m + 7 100rp + scythe particle + Aipom 2nd place - 650k + 4 100rp + Braviary 3rd place - 500k + 2 100rp to 4th place - 350k + 2 100rp + scythe particle + jet hat for TBA Donations (so far) : 1500 RP - @FlufyJ x2 Spinning Scythe Particle - FlufyJ 5x31 Jolly Aipom - @JetxLore/FlufyJ PokeMMO Cap - JetxLore 2,500,000 Pokeyen - LegendsBank 4x31 1x30 Alpha Braviary - TiltedGemini Be on the lookout for more event information, and as always Happy Hunting Team LGÑD (PS : THANK YOU @Gamer2020 FOR THE 20M BANK DONATION)
RTRDave joined the club
Jet Is bald lol 🤣
SPELL LGÑD : A CATCH EVENT! This event will function like a catch event, but with a twist. Participating team members must catch Unown's and spell out "LEGEND". The first 3 people to complete this task will be the winners. All LGÑD members can participate. NON MEMBERS MAY PARTICIPATE THROUGH INVITE ONLY Location : Johto, Ruins of Alph channel 1. Date and Time: (EDIT) Saturday June 1st, 2024 2PM EST / TIMEZONE CONVERTER Duration : Until 3 people complete the task Scoring : First 3 people to complete the task of spelling out "LEGEND" with Unowns will be awarded prizing. Additionally, If anybody manages to spell "U R BALD" they will be awarded a secret prize. (Only one player may claim the secret prize, and it may not be one of the 3 winning players) Rules: • All Pokémon must be caught Within the event time and at the event location • All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) • You must be the OT of the Pokémon • The Pokémon must be caught, you're not allowed to submit hatched Pokémon • You must link your entry to the host member or participating staff via whisper to submit it • In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time • Keep the pokemon in your team till results! Prizing : 1st Place : 1.3m Pokeyen, 600 RP, 5x31 Timid Staryu 2nd Place : 800k Pokeyen, 500 RP, 1 Shiny charm 3rd Place : 400k Pokeyen, 400 RP, 1 Shiny charm 4th place : SECRET PRIZE Donations (so far) : 100RP voucher (x15) - @FlufyJ 500,000 Pokeyen - @JetxLore 500,000 Pokeyen - @Talinl 500,000 Pokeyen - @KoobyKoober 5x31 Timid Staryu - @kermitoo 1,000,000 Pokeyen, 2 shiny charms, LGÑD BANK Be on the lookout for more event information, and as always Happy Hunting team LGÑD .