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  2. 公会名称 zhen 公会会长 Alqhy 日期 星期4, 2024年5月9日 时间 北京时间 21:30 地点 合众地区 4号道路 -ch.4 时长 1小时抓捕另外10分钟提交成绩 评分 两只(不同特性)个体值总差=最终成绩(例自信过度特性个体170-威吓特性个体20=150) 有效的参赛精灵宝可梦 黑眼鳄 规则 要赢得从高到低排名的第1-3名,需要提交两只精灵宝可梦个体差最大。 设置幸运奖,个体值含有5和9的精灵,获得幸运奖(鉴于公会内新手玩家较多) 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及知道的活动地点之内抓到,你有 1小时的抓捕时间 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样(未训练、未进化等) 你必须是精灵宝可梦的原训练家 你只能提交2只参赛精灵宝可梦 你必须通过把精灵宝可梦私聊发给主持人的方式来提交 平均情况下,最高个体高的胜出 主持人 lwbjrzy 、Alqhy 第1名 30天捐赠者状态 第2名 恶魔之翼 第3名 5张闪符 第4名 5v爽朗巨金怪 第6名 5只头目百变怪 幸运奖 2v对性蘑蘑菇/配置好技能的捡垃圾喵喵(二者随机) 本次活动由lwbjrzy赞助
  3. (102#66#)第一百七十二箱。 无事发生 铁哑铃第九箱。
  4. Today
  5. dude this is so useful. i wish i would of known about this a while ago. thanks for your work!
  6. Hi, turn off "show border tiles" in Video Settings
  7. There are only two Pokémons of the Charmander - Charmeleon - Charizard line on the market right now and they are worth close to 3M. As time passes, such Pokémons will keep gaining value and thus I do not recommend selling them at the moment.
  8. [限时抓宠] 遇到闪光超级球了! (星期日,5月5日 19:00): 奖池: 闪光霹雳雷球 + 2000rp 主持人: makapaka ARD Cexilia Empties #1 DeltaFaiz 19:01:58 168 #2 FiveTFiveZzz 19:55:49 164 #3 Inferioritysir 19:17:31 163 #4 KimoHC 19:49:03 24
  9. [限时抓宠] 挖土儆心 (星期六, 5月4日 19:00): 奖池: 闪光地鼠 + 2000rp 主持人: happyeix ARD chenshushu Cexilia Empties #1 misssmisa 19:32:48 169 #2 baidenglaodeng 19:27:59 169 #3 ngmcgq 19:30:59 168 #4 smallerpeople 19:00:15 18
  10. Thank you for the reply! I did grab MIMIEN and I still have my starter. It's kind of odd that the starters would have a high value since everyone gets one. From what I've heard some gift Pokemon are locked to 15 IVs, I also grabbed Lapras, Snorlax, Aerodactyl, and Omanyte and they have random IVs. Unfortunately, I didn't get anywhere close to Max EVs, let alone in one stat.
  11. 第1名 DeltaFaiz 19:01:58 168 第2名 FiveTFiveZzz 19:55:49 164 第3名 Inferioritysir 19:17:31 163 第4名 KimoHC 19:49:03 24
  12. Does this method increase the probability of obtaining a legendary bird compared to the traditional method?
  13. Another really big one are 254 EV and 255 EV pokemon. These are a rare unobtainable oddity in the game due to the EVs being changed to max out at 252 and this not being retroactively applied to them (whether it be an oversight or a glitch), and can get kinda up there in price as a result. Using my Dragonite as the example image of how it would look ingame
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7mfjvdnPno&ab_channel=TrevorDaniel
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