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Everything posted by Koli887

  1. For the tenthousand times What u wanna see? I trained it since then it has more Ev´s now and higher level so what do u wanna see???? OH MY GOSH....... no, no no, no NOOO! stop saying and asking the same stupid questions again and again I DID NO MISTAKE BY WHAT I SAID and wtf??? "Maybe u had still a kadabra" ....no one who is able to install this game could be that DUMB!!! wtf.. rly U don´t have to try to calculate something for me I did it My Clan did it Many people in the other Post did it And again.... The things I wrote were CORRECT and YES i know, dat Haunter could NOT be faster in this calculation But EXACTLY THIS IS THE PROBLEM It shoudn´t be able to, but IT WAS ___________________________________________- And to Solid Rock 1. Why u changed it? It was good to know, when itwas activated 2. I´m still thinking dat its not working or it´s weaker. My Rhyperion Is now getting 1 Hit Ko´s form pokemon and attackes, it shouldn´t be defeated from. Alos it feels like before them uodate changd it, dat my Rhyperion was much more tanky
  2. Like i wrote in the other Post, my Alakazam was lv 56 with 27 int and int nature with over 120 ev´s in int even a PERFECT haunter wouldn´t get closer than 12 Init behind me
  3. everytime quickclaw got activated i saw it in the battlechat (like i saw it on my nidoqueen) the haunter didn´t wore it like i said there - i had no screenshot or something. it was my first playthough and i just wanted to finish it so badly, dat i didn´t thought of screenshot or something
  4. ehhhhh I´m not rly sure... Neither my opponent, or me could see the "activation" And I´m pretty sure, dat I take MUCH more Dmg since the Update
  5. Hey guys. I have 2 Queastions 1. WHY u guys removed Solid Rock - or other said - u made it NOT WORKING? I just got me a Rhyperion with Solid Rock and now it´s getting ******** in PVP everytime. 2. Its about this here - I missed my last words again and i want to do it now. I´ve been so goddamn angry with soooo many dumb Post´s i read there. I had to repeat myself so many times again and again. I say it one last time. I had a Alakazam, no Kadabra... (Most dumb Post i read there) Haunter had no Scarf and did not used a Priority attack. My Alakazam had a Psy-attack boosting Item Haunter was didn´t had a Speed bost, netiher my Alakazam a Speed nerf. Every single Person, who posted after Page 1 REALLY has to start brain and learn to read, before start writting. Maybe sry for not so good english right now
  6. hatte es auch nicht. es wird ja angezeigt, wenn flinkklaue aktiv wird Trans: no, it shows when quick claw gets active
  7. xDDDDDDDDDDDD well honestly, i don´t think so... staff said, they don´t KNOW anything about boost my team, other players and me are saying, dat it can´t be possible without boost well....
  8. it NORMALLY would YES - Her Gengar was lv 56, so it was ok for me that gengar was faster than my alakazam
  9. dude... calculate.. even with ZERO EV - Alakazam would be 6 Init faster u NOW understand the problem?!?!?!?!
  10. O.O Ultra Instinct is not implemented xDDD OMFG FOR THE 54534341584 TIME!!!! HAUNTER HAD NO SCARF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you... Really.. <3
  11. 1. I come to 168 Init not 162 of Haunter 2. X1,5???? wtf??? why? 3. I show u ONE of my calculator (all same result) http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=5892be-1529616874.png Ein deutscher wuhuu Ja danke.. Mein Team denkt genauso und fragt sich schon, was die alle hier schreiben Und nein, weder kam ne Attacke die Init erhöht oder senkt Alpollo war sogar mal ihr erstes Pokemon gegen mein Simsala und setzt halt Spukball ein und danach halt Energieball, wenn ich mein Nidoqueen eingewechselt hab, nachdem es mein Simsala besiegt hat Trans: No Init Stat attack was made
  12. Nope - all Infos are correct i write it again and u tell me HOW it can be Now again, so ALL understand the Problem MY ALAKAZAM: Lv.56, Jolly, 27 Init IV, 142 Init EV = 192 Init!!! Enemy Haunter: Lv.52, """Jolly, 31 Init IV, 255 Init EV = 168 Init!!! It used different Attack without beeing swapped, so it didn´t had a Scarf to be faster And it still outspeeded me.... even COMPLETELY without EV´s, OR with a wrong Nature - My Alakazam is always above the 168 Init of the Haunter
  13. I know, u don´t mean it bad, but u guys start to tilt me....^^ I DON´T need help, for what happend. And u DON´T need my Poke´s IV/EV/NATURE - i Wrote the Init stat is has, so what are u trying to do with the single stats??? i don´t get it And again.. they HAVE to be boosted. A Mid 50 Level Haunter CAAAAAANNNNNN´TTTTTT have more than 192 Init. There is no f***ing way.
  14. well ok, but... 1. Its weeks Ago - my Poke has higher level and more EV´s now. Makes no Sense to link it 2. I DO still know the Init EV´S of my Alakazam. IT has 27 IV and 142 EV on Level 56 at the Point i Fought Haunter (Level 52) 3. I know what u mean, but a Haunter on this Level CAN´T be outspeed MY Alakazam. Haunter has to be exactly LV 60 to Outspeed my Alakazam with 1 Point.
  15. Sry, but i really don´t understand what u r trying me to tell I told u before, the Haunter of Agathe COULDN´T have more Init than my Alakazam had. EVEN with full IV, EV AND right nature. So what were u trying me to say? EDIT My Alakazam had 192 Init! - a Haunter CAN´T get those stats with level mid-50 that is the problem - Normally its just not POSSIBLE
  16. U rly seem to have to life dude... u r just writing s**t, instead of starting a real discussion kiddo... just go away... no one wants/needs u here EDIT: Many people of mine, told me about u, a few minutes ago U kid seems to be veeeeeery annoying. Many other players complain about u.. think about it kiddo
  17. i understand what u mean, but what i wrote is just logic i wrote the init stats of my poke (the stats wasn´t maximizied at this point, but still higher, than enemy maximum) u have the level of the enemy poke and just have to calculate it with maximum IV´s and DV´s. the Stats u´ll get, CAN´T be higher, than the Init of my Poke - especially 4 levels below to mine And NONE of the Poke´s i mean had a Scarf! (Told it 3 times before) Both used different attacks in every run i tried and the Salamance had a lifeorb. It´s all simple and logic Maths.
  18. U R f***ing pooped aren´t u?....Rly.. are u even reading what u r writing? 1. Re-creating? To do that i ahve to start a New Game, get me a Alakazam with the perfect same stats like the one before, do the whole game until E4 again and even need the Same EV´s mine last had at that point. ..... U can´t be seriouse... If u tell me a liar - just go of this Thread and troll other ones...omfg.. 2. ................... i have no words for u .... https://www.pokewiki.de/Sweeper#Finisher (y i know its german but idc) if u don´t know it, don´t talk like u do
  19. Geeeeez..... 1. DV = IV (Germany) 2. A finisher is a Init Glasscanon like Accelator - Extremely fast to OHK most Sweeper or damaged Tanks 3. Not Possible. I beat it weeks ago and my Alakazam has now even higher stats with higher Level and more Ev´s. So it wouldn´t make any sense. BTW: I´m not interested in "proving" it to u. If u don´t belive me - don´t write. I won´t let u calling me a liar. 4. Stats HAVE to be boosted - there is no other way | Yes they do. I just didn´t saw ONE with a Scarf until now.
  20. Nope, they have several different Items Honestly - i didn´t saw ONE E4 Poke with Scarf well Yes I did it wrong - BUT.. That don´t explained the Haunter My Alakazam had 192 Init - Even a FULL EV and DV Haunter with Jolly could only have 180 Init on the same Level - and It was 4 Levels below my Alakazam For what u need MY EV´S and DV´s and so on? i Wrote the Init of my Poke - u don´t have to calculate it ?.? I also wrote the Levels of my Enemies dude... read it pls SO u can Calculate the Stats of the Enemie, by maximize their EV´s and DV´s and give them a fiting Nature. Then just see their Init and see the Init I wrote AND! I know that they don´t used a Scarf, cuz they ALWAYS did different Attacks in a fight without Swapping. Not possible with Scarf! Dude my Team is 7-10 Levels above them and is mixed. 1 Finisher, 2 Sweeper, 1 Bulk, 2 Tanks (1 Special, 1 Physical) With some sort of team i could do all Stories and even have a good win rate in PVP (Cuz i only counter the OU tanks and Bulks) And btw. - thats not the point... It can´t be that u have to do a Tank Meta in PvP AND in PvE (PvP is totally pooped anyway - it seems like Pokemmo raises a Tank Meta and made reaaaally dumb rules to keep it working - I´ll disuss this in another Thread)
  21. Hey guys, can anyone tell me, how hard the Elite 4 are boosted by stats? Cuz I noticed in several runs in different leagues, that the Elite 4 Poke´s are MUUUUCH stronger, than they could be. For e.g. in Kanto vs Agathe EVERY Poke had outspeeded my 27 Int DV Alakazam with max Level for that time. Even her Haunter does it!! The Haunter was 5-6 Levels below to my Alakazam, hat NO choice scarf, used different no priority Attacks and should have - even with full 31 dv, ev and the right nature - over 20 Init less than my Alakazam. BUT... it Outspeeded it.. every time And that shouldn´t be possible - So the Elite 4 has to be HARD boosted in their stats. Another Example: Just a hour Ago - I fought Drake and he send out his Salamance LV 68 with Lifeorb as item. Maximum Init stats of a Salamance LV 68 with 31 DV and 31 EV + the right nature = 182! Well... it Outspeeded my Accelator with 213 Init.... wiht nor priority attack... Dats ****** bullshit. So its PROVEN, dat the Elite Four are boosted in their stats. Can anyone tell me, how hard their stats are boosted?? Thanks for the Anwser and tell me if u noticed something like dat by urself.
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