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  1. 希望在年前闪一个螳螂或者火神蛾。 我已经半年没有闪啦 ID:KartAnaZ
  2. 我有个朋友他的号不玩了 我拿来种树赚钱然后给我自己的账号 这样会被封号吗。
  3. 实测小波湾钓鱼无法触发拾取
  4. 没有GM回答一下吗
  5. zxc861081649


    鱼竿钓上来的野生宝可梦 使用喵喵击败后无法获得拾取特性的奖励。请问这个是BUG还是本身设定就是这样 我记得之前是可以的 最近怎么不行了
  6. Well, that's all, it's been closed for a day. I'm not a big influence, but how many players will pokemmo lose because of this incident?
  7. We also hope that pokemmo will do better, but your officials do, I played dozens of games, the first time you see, you can send a notice that the balloon is BUG re-sale will be the title, do not have anything. It was sealed directly. I hope the management will see how to handle it. 报错
  8. We all love pokemmo, but the official is really sad.
  9. 你们官方这样玩的?.我们玩家哪里知道是BUG? 这样就封号?你们自己更新游戏没弄好BUG。说我们滥用BUG?头一次见。让玩家买单的 厉害了我的官方
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