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Everything posted by otonashifire

  1. id:otonashifire 问题:关于验证码输入的一些问题 事情发生在10月1日,那天下午我正在一边读着东野圭吾的小说《幻夜》一边拿着我的手机愉快的在果实森林捡垃圾,然后突然间弹出的验证码,这神一般的设计,还有我现在处境真滴是木有办法填完整个验证码。不知道这个算是手机上的bug,或者是验证码和键位的设计问题,当你要填写一个验证码的时候,你打开键盘只能看到其中纵向的1/3信息。然后就彻底分不清一些字母了。比如n和ll,l和i,w和vv,诸如此类,验证码只能看到其中靠中间的1/3,如下图所示。 有人会问既然打开了键盘,才会出现这种验证码只能显示中间1/3的情况,为什么你不,先找根笔记下来呢,然后再输入。这个原因是跟我自己最近的生活情况有关系的。9月14日,我在北京某医院入院进行抑郁症的康复治疗,笔属于尖锐物品,使用前需要经过护士或者值班医生的允许,借笔是一件麻烦事,看不到完整的验证码也是一件麻烦事,期待能改一下验证码的形式,或者是修改这个验证码图片,在键盘打开的时候只显示1/3的bug,我只是想在我住院的期间慢慢玩,在果实森林找到我自己喜欢的闪卡比兽。因为10月8日又出现了要求我输入验证码,才能继续的事情,所以我觉定把这件事反馈给你们。 problem:My problem is that identifying code make me feel anxious. It happends october first and happends again on october eight. During the october first, i open pokemmo app on my "xiaomi6x" and open the book which was written by keigo hiashino named "magic night" reading and playing pokemmo make me feel very relax but the identifying code design give me a terrible experience. Firstly talk something about me, on the 14th of september i went to BeiJing inorder to cure my depression. This disease drastically influence my memory and comprehension. The doctor suggest me to be an inpatient to have a systematic treatment. Talk about some bad design or bug about the identifying code. The identifying code shows 8 to 13 numbers and alphabet. The irrational design make me very anxious. It looks like this. Ok,too many letters and number could not be remembered once. I try to type them one by one but when i open my keybord on my mobile screen the identifying code just showed 1/3 on my screen. I could not distinguish l and L, i and I, n and ii,such like this. What i can see is the middle of the identifying. Some will ask why not use a pen to write down the identifying code, actually every time when i want to use pen or ballpen i need to get permission from my doctor and nurse because of that the pen and ball pen belong to sharp object is not safety for the person who is out-of-control. The identifying code have time limit. When i borrow the pen from the nurse and write down the identifying code but time is not enough for me to type them on my phone. After that my "meowth" use pay day could not get money from wild pokemon. I have been in the berry forest at least two weeks. I just want a shiny snorlax. I suggest to fix this bug or change the easy design of identifying code for the person who pokemon on phone.http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5908040756?share=9105&fr=share&see_lz=0&sfc=copy&client_type=2&client_version=
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