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Everything posted by HandsomeLooker1492

  1. Read and understand this Don't waste more time, my @azar2k13 baby.
  2. My friends doesn't play Pokemon because there is no such thing as a Nintendo 2Ds or 3DS in my country. There was one called a gameboy which is $20 but they all disappeared because it's outdated and no longer sale. They just moved on to PUBG and Fortnite. :(
  3. I failed two times gambling natures, I keep getting wrong natures for the pokemons I breed it with, at least they aren't useless like an attack pokemon that has the lonely nature but still I'm at an disadvantage with the - def. But nature doesn't even matter tho but still does it matter?
  4. Exact 6 hours. Nothing has changed on rematching npcs except the gym leaders etc.
  5. You have probably rematched him already or 24 hours haven't passed yet. Last 7 days ago I rechallenge the celadon gym leader and she said I changed my pokemon's ability "cut" and said that she doesn't watch to battle.
  6. Special berries that removes a Pokemon's Ev by 10. What seeds do I need? How do I find them?
  7. I don't think so, right clicking it I guess is the only option.
  8. Hoarding is fun especially when they are uncommon or rare and if they are annoying to catch and the chances are really low.
  9. If a person spams too often he/she should have its timer reset with a plus 10 to prevent him from overchatting.
  10. that's what people do, they add random numbers in their account or make random names.
  11. Who the hell is Xatu? A pokemon or a person. If you hate Xatu so much why blame it on me?
  12. 1 It's not cool and funny, the joke is disgusting and rude.
  13. 1491 is a random number, what is wrong with you?
  14. See what by I mean toxic and repulsive. If I receive more harassment I'll just quit the game.
  15. Are you guys going to do something about toxic players in-game and in the forum itself? When will gen 6 be added in the game so dragon types won't be overpowered anymore and yes Ice moves overpowers dragon types but ice moves are useless if the dragon has flamethrower or superpower. When will some gen 5 pokemons be an official sprite than a mod? Can you delete my previous post please? it's very annoying to see it, some person just assume my gender and started ranting at me because he doesn't like me.
  16. So this post was created for purposes like greediness. Okay.
  17. 1. Any specific pokemons, perfect IVs 6*31. 2. examples are a dragonite with perfect IVs that cost around 68w.
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