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Everything posted by 1103909112

  1. 很多时候总有一些人。希望不劳而获,通过投机取巧获得金钱,我发现交易行总是有一批人在活动或者正值某件物品热门的时候,将市价一般为11W+的东西。挂成90W,以取得刚上架时,没有看清楚价格的人的便宜,对此。我想向官方提一个建议。交易行能否对单位W以上的物品价格显示颜色。不同价格颜色不同。例如1W-9W价格可以是白色,10W-50W价格为绿色,50W-100W为红色。101W-1000W为紫色。1000W以上为橙色,另外对部分高价挂物品的投机分子,超出最近交易均价5倍以上则予以处罚(被拍下后处以高额罚金。罚金可以用于官方活动,未拍下予以警告,并扣除一定信誉分,信誉分低于一定值。该邮箱账号下所有角色上架物品或与人交易。显示黑色骷髅头,警示交易对象,当前交易角色是有前科的)。如果是类似活动道具绝版一段时间,导致出现的上述情况。可以设定 一个程序。如果当前交易行80%都是该价格范围。则判断是活动绝版导致的价格上涨。不予以处罚 A lot of times there are people. In the hope of gaining something for nothing, I found that the trading bank always had a group of people at the activity or when something was hot, and the market price was generally 11W+. Hang it at 90W to get the price off someone who didn't see it clearly when they first hit the shelves. I'd like to make a suggestion to the authorities. The transaction bank can display color to the price of items above W. Different prices have different colors. For example, the price of 1w-9w can be white, the price of 10w-50w is green, and the price of 50w-100w is red. The color is purple. Over 1000W is orange, and the speculator of some high-priced goods will be punished if it is more than five times the average price of the recent transaction. The fine can be used for official activities, without warning, and deduct a certain credit score, which is lower than a certain value. All characters under this email account have items on their shelves or traded with others. Displays a black skull, alerting the trading object that the current trading role has a previous record. If it is similar to the event props out of print for a period of time, resulting in the above situation. You can set up a program. If 80% of the current trading line is in that price range. It is judged to be the price increase caused by the out-of-print activity. impunity
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