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Everything posted by SkyEevee

  1. I play the tuba decently in my school's marching band Was great at playing the piano, but haven't played in years
  2. Fire type with braixen, pyroar, and pansear.
  3. Bug type with Butterfree and Masquerain, third is TBA
  4. 1134-6995-1598 Adding everyone else
  5. Just got a sylveon on X, evolving it was kind of a pain.
  6. Picture of shiny sylveon (better than some other shiny eeveelutions). [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  7. SkyEevee


    Anyone here ever tried pixelmon? It's a mod for minecraft that adds pokemon to it. Has all the original 151 plus more and a lot of items. One of the best mods I've seen.
  8. When your friend opens a bag of chips even though there's already an open one. When you step on a Lego in the middle of the night. People who double dip.
  9. When your headphone cord gets stuck in the computer chair wheel.
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