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    BlueNose reacted to Bestfriends for a status update, Good evening everyone, I hope you're doing well. To all my followers on forums, thank   
    Good evening everyone, I hope you're doing well. To all my followers on forums, thank you for supporting my ventures here on forums. I can't believe that there are 100 people following me at this moment. Congratulations @RysPicz for being my 100th follower!
    When people follow me on forums, it gives me the feeling of responsibility to engage in productive discussions or make guides that could help out the player base as a whole (for the guides that I've worked on, feel free to check them out in my Guide Index in the About Me section of my profile). I hope that my guides or my discussions have helped you in some way in game.
    As a token of my appreciation for the community's trust in me to serve, there is going to be a brief announcement in my next Headline video which I plan on launching in early June when I can listen to music again (as of the time of me writing this post, there is a religious ordnance that prohibits me from listening to music for several days). However, in my status updates, I could drop some clues as to what my announcement is going to entail:
    Clue 1: 
    Thank you for your trust in me to serve as the Eternal Mayor of PokeMMO. I enjoy contributing to the community as a whole. As for the PokeDex Guide, I can keep you updated on any developments with that project. Until then, I wish you all well with your in game endeavors.
    PokeMMO Mayor At Your Service!
    - Bf
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    BlueNose reacted to Bestfriends for a status update, Sinnoh TM Documentation is complete!   
    Sinnoh TM Documentation is complete!
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    BlueNose reacted to Bestfriends for a status update, Just got a phone call from Professor Oak. He wanted me to construct a guide on Dex In   
    Just got a phone call from Professor Oak. He wanted me to construct a guide on Dex Info for all the pokemon currently available on PokeMMO. I am still working on the Pickup Guide (and inserting new information given to me by wonderful helpers). However, the Dex guide may help out some newer players who want to know about certain information about a pokemon before they catch it. As a note, I am going to place 6 placeholders. One for the introduction and the other 5 for the pokemon that are currently implemented from Gen 1-5.
    So far, I would like to thank @Fixedgaming, @Minks, @Xigbar, @mateusvictor and @BlueNose for assisting me in the Pickup Guide documentation. The guide is still open for any volunteers that want to take a location that is yet to be documented.
    (Also, since Sinnoh may come with some Dex modifications, I may want to hold off on documenting information for the guide, but the placeholders can stay). Sinnoh Hype!
    Professor Oak did not call me, but I wanted to entertain people that are reading my announcement. I hope that this guide can help out a lot of people in their research for a pokemon. Also, Kyu wrote his status update while I was drafting this announcement, so I added the red text.
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