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Everything posted by Superman

  1. 不行了,我都满3000了,现在拍卖行不让买东西
  2. Superman


  3. 尽量不要在手机里安装虚拟机,或者那种可以使用脚本的连点器,好像不用也会检测的
  4. 我都一年没上线了,发现还是没有开放梦特或者妖精属性,希望官方能把精力放在这两个项目上。我相信pokemmo会有更多人回来玩。
  5. Hopefully players can get hidden pokemon.
  6. 同一个邮箱大小随便转,申诉可以找回。不同邮箱,你怎么证明那是你小号???官方可以认为是私下金钱交易。
  7. 如果出地图也是2年以后,等着吧
  8. 刚才那个5岛右面的海域,也是界面切换问题,就在我人物这一列的位置,只要往左或往右,都会切"幻灯片"
  9. 还有人物有时候还是会隐身!
  10. 还有一个问题,不知道是不是只是我这样。我在合纵孵蛋屋孵蛋,进来进去,老是容易黑屏(人物还是可以动)。
  11. 刚发现的界面问题,就在我人物和宠物这个地点,我不管骑车还是跑动,只要经过这里,页面就会闪一下(好比如切入了一张幻灯片),然后就会迅速复原。这是关都5岛
  12. 每日任务是不可能的,谁会每天上线做任务,官方连圣诞节都不出活动,就为了让玩家陪家人,你觉得可能出每日任务?
  13. Superman


  14. 不同邮箱不平等交易,很大概率封号,不会解封。谨慎操作
  15. Thank you for your reply. I hope that day will come soon.
  16. Yeah, it's the ability to hide.At present, only npc's pokemon has the ability to hide, and I hope to implement it as soon as possible.
  17. I hope the authorities can open up the third ability of some pokemon so that pvp can have more choices. Hidden ability acquisition method: 1.Wild capture pokemon have a small probability of hiding. 2.If the mother is hidden, then hatching eggs must be inherited from offspring. 3.The hidden ability of pokemon can not be obtained by characteristic pills. Finally, thank you to the official workers. I like pokemmo very much.
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