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Everything posted by Dannnno

  1. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    not if you do it right and dev's game is indie and afaik ryan doesn't have any bot detection stuff in it EDIT: I'm not endorsing botting on dev's game bot the fuck out of real runescape though
  2. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    tfw will never see them fixed
  3. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    well I do know Java (at least fundamentally), although I'm much more familiar with Python. I also know a bit of R, C and Ruby hire me bitch [spoiler]I just have no practical experience programming[/spoiler]
  4. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    I took an intro CS class. I got this (I actually do have moderate experience, just not in Java.) unrelated to atlas, just got a wrong number call from some black chick and it lasted like 20 minutes until she believed that I hadn't stole some dude's phone
  5. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    ;) where is atlas
  6. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    stop exciting me, I'm in public
  7. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    punish me master munya
  8. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    fixed. marley is a monster
  9. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    the hate is unnecessary everyone has a dream. even 17 feet tall clowns
  10. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    stilts platform shoes
  11. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    what was it said literally no one ever
  12. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    if you go really high up and get a nice pressure difference built up, blowing your nose will explosively remove mucus hurts like a bitch though edit le pageking
  13. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    your mother told you right 666 illuminati hail satan
  14. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    religion is a lie. Go.
  15. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    did you know that can be a sign of a greater risk for cancer? http://www.nbcnews.com/health/body-odd/asian-flush-red-flag-risk-cancer-f1C6437432
  16. Dannnno

    wow amazing

    when you say fried, do you mean deep fried? like in a vat of oil?
  17. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    upside - you don't shit blood
  18. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    want in? always room for three
  19. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    will you be naked? also, just took the hardest test of my life. time to get sloshed \o/
  20. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    I feel like Munya likes that bit of an M
  21. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    ƨdoon ǫniʞɔuᖷ EDIT: wow that was a horrible text flipper EDIT2: Marginally better ƨpoou ɓu!ʞⅽ∩ᖶ
  22. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    add us to the list emleeeee
  23. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    who knows? don't judge, I don't know any other way
  24. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    not enough n's. also, fgt and it isn't so much that I left as... checking the forum was a hassle so I didn't. and honestly there are too many OT threads I haven't read to start now
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