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Everything posted by FrankIero

  1. I don't even know if that's meant to be a compliment or an insult
  2. Wow that's really really nice of you :) I've played Pokémon for years so I'm not going to really need any help in-game, except for with finding a shiny zubat of course hahaha
  3. That's crazy talk :) I had them stretched to 10mm and they fell out and got lost when I was drunk and they shrunk back to almost normal ear piercing size before I stretched them again. And there are techniques to help go down sizes.
  4. If my calculations are right (which they probably aren't) that's 6am in Sydney, Australia :( so unfair
  5. Thanks :) Sure but my Pokémon are only around level 30 on average. Haha yeah, well I've had my eyebrow done twice, my septum and my tragus but I've taken them all out... I currently have 16mm stretchers in my ears though.
  6. The only reason I want to be called Frank is so that the guys that froth over all girls leave me alone.
  7. DUDE I totally suggested that yesterday to DarkShade or maybe the day before and he told me to put it in the suggestions thread but I forgot to
  8. I thought of something that might help a bit with all the questions. Maybe if, say every couple of minutes, an automated message comes through the chatlog like "Hint: To fly, use town map and select the town you want to fly to with the arrow keys and z" and "Hint: You do not need to use flash as all the caves are lit" And maybe if that's not enough add something about checking the FAQ that JPG put up "Hint: To get Pokémon to walk behind you, click and drag them from your party. For more information check out our FAQ on Just an idea? I have no idea how you'd do it but think it's pretty easy to do, I've seen a lot of internet chat rooms do it. (ps. sorry if this has already been posted, I couldn't see anything when I skimmed over the suggestions)
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