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Everything posted by Polaraves

  1. Polaraves

  2. Polaraves

    首先任何与追闪无关的主题都不应当在这个板块下出现( ;´Д`),下次请在讨论屋板块发帖。你需要自己寻找,游戏不会提供或是帮助你寻找Rom。
  3. 是的,悲伤有那——————————么大((小声bb:主要是经常想看看别的房子,结果进去后点错把那里设置成秘密基地了,结果上一个房子的家具就直接消失了qwq
  4. 别的玩家都是精灵宝可梦,只有我们是奇迹宝可梦
  5. Thanks very much for your reply, best regard!
  6. Are there any available ways to stop user from flooding the message box on the forum? Or ways to prevent/block users from directly messaging and starting conversation? Somebody tailed me for almost one month already, my god. Also I'm still not very sure how to leave a conversation, but I've seen people doing it before. (;_;)
  7. Currently it's not possible to delete post nor locking the post by yourself if you're a member like me :P, but you can try changing the other post's title to [Please Lock] and explain the reason? The staffs might take care of it.
  8. This post was already moved to the Competitive Assistance page by the GM, no need to re-post another one(^V^)
  9. Polaraves


    Welcome to Pokemmo, enjoy!
  10. 丰缘送浇水壶买采摘器的那个花店里面有,还有树啊什么的
  11. 昨天刚知道Pokemmo其实也实装了秘密基地这个东西(我好眼瞎)然后剁手党就一发不可收拾了!在丰缘114号路选了一个河中间的小树,两个房间的屋子。就是对面总是有个npc在钓鱼。当时买了一堆玩偶和音阶地毯,结果发现最多只能摆24个我哭的好大声呜呜呜呜呜呜
  12. Want to buy a black/white Angel Wings cosmetic for 1.7m, other colours buying for 1.65m. I'm online everyday and you can contact me through mailing my in-game account or whispering me! Or just reply under this post, either way is okay (´▽`) ID:PuddingKirkland
  13. 1.7m收一个天使翅膀,最好是黑色或白色的,其他颜色1.65m收,圆了孩子的天堂梦吧QwQ 日常基本上都在线,有意者来游戏里发邮件/私聊滴滴我呀,在下面回复也可以噢!人很好说话的! ID:PuddingKirkland
  14. 呜哇感谢回复!我最近新做了一只悠然命玉河童和双刀命玉快龙,后面准备做斗笠菇和镰刀盔,镰刀盔剑舞一次后可以蛮力稳定干掉草钢。双弱火这个天大的弱点还在思考改如何避免
  15. ...这...对方素质问题,一看就是没有受过家教的...揉一把,可以去找管理投诉
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