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hzzzzzzzzzzz's Achievements

  1. 在这里,我可以发誓,图片绝无弄虚作假,984000也好,494000也好,我愿意相信这都是真实,从我的984000来说,要是我这两张截图有弄虚作假,我号不要了,直接删号,我真的没有必要说去骗这剩下来的钱,更何况,我需要摁错2位数才会这样,所以我非常疑惑。最后,我想论坛管理员所做出的举动无非是叫我去找官方然后关闭帖子回复,这样我也认了,我当然不会去花那么多时间先翻成英语再贴上去,到现在我已经浪费了40分钟了,将近50w的钱,发论坛的那一刻我就已经做好了失去的准备,官方明察我想也不会查出什么吧
  2. 我来简述一下过程,我是一名不到1000)h的萌新,对方是一位1500h的大佬,我和他并无直接理由去骗这6组pp的钱,可是从截图中已经能说明我付出了984000(蘑菇那图是我昨晚发的,有qq时间为证,角色那张图是现在的),对面的截图也显示他才80w,请问这是系统问题么?为什么6组pp的钱不翼而飞了?望官方明察,损失的钱虽然不多,但我想是有必要要回的!我想这要是不被理会的话,我真的会很寒心。。。唉中午碰到这破事,我想谁都不会开心 对方待会回会来补充自证内容,望官方明察
  3. 同时,我认为频道骂人无疑是对未成年人的一种不良影响,甚至教唆他人“群喷”,我无法理解官网为什么不严惩此类举动 At the same time, I think the channel swear is undoubtedly a kind of bad influence on minors, and even instigate others to "group spray", I can't understand why the official website does not punish this kind of action
  4. 会不会有小可爱来说我多管闲事呢?让我们拭目以待
  5. 资料显示未成年经常做出与自身逻辑相悖的行为,这点5P例子随处可见,自己制定好了规矩不带节奏,当某位用户发出凉闪时就带马,带“rip”脏字的骂,而且骂的理直气壮,浑身舒畅;再比如在频道内发黄文,4.22-4.24期间有一天甚至发出了黄色网站,公然讨论关于“裸露的肉体”、“肏”等内容,且语气中能看出以此沾沾自喜。这两个例子在事后本人并没有听闻官方有做出严惩的措施,个人观点认为5p大部分人已经模糊了对黄色内容、带节奏的认知,导致5P聊天室总有一部分时间乌烟瘴气,无论是黄文还是脏字足以带坏尚未拥有自控能力的学生,可始作俑者却无丝毫悔意,甚至以此为荣耀亦或是谈资,在此我表明立场:本人厌恶这种行为!希望官方能引进合理的措施进行管制,我身为一个热爱pokemmo的玩家无法容忍这群人在频道内胡作非为!望官方明治! 再提一下本人认为的有效措施:引进关键词屏蔽机制,这点不过多叙述;亦或者改进禁言机制,不断提高禁言时长上限,可发布解禁任务来解除禁言;亦或者成立风纪委员组进行游戏内巡视检查。 以上仅为个人观点,本人只不过是为游戏能有更优质的环境而努力地一届社畜罢了,望官方采纳。最后,作为一名中国公民,当我再次看到游戏聊天室内充斥明确标明的黄色信息亦或是辱骂挑衅时,本人一定会录制证据并去相关平台进行举报。 Data show that minors often make the behavior that is contrary to their own logic, this 5P example can be seen everywhere, they have made the rules without rhythm, when a user issued cool flash on the horse, with the "rip" dirty word scold, and scold the right and strong, comfortable; Another example is the yellow text in the channel. During the period from April 22 to April 24, a pornographic website was even sent out one day, openly discussing "naked flesh", "fuck" and other contents, and the tone can be seen that this smug. These two examples in hindsight I didn't hear the official to make punishment measures, personal view is that most people have blurred the 5 p the cognition to the yellow content, with rhythm, there are always a few time lead to 5 p chat room malodorous, whether it is a yellow man still a dirty word is enough to bring the bad students don't have self-control, can do it without the slightest regret, for glory or even to talk about, here I stand, I hate this kind of behavior! Hope to introduce reasonable measures to control, the official I love pokemmo as a player can't stand any nonsense from the this group of people within the channel! Hope to see official governance! Again, I think the effective measures: the introduction of keyword screening mechanism, this is not much description; Or improve the gag mechanism, constantly raise the limit of the gag time, can release the lifting task to lift the gag; Or set up a discipline committee to conduct inspections in the game. The above is only a personal view, I just for the game can have a better environment and efforts to a community of animals, hope the official adoption. Finally, as a Chinese citizen, when I see again clearly marked pornographic messages or insults and provocations in the game chat room, I will surely record the evidence and report to the relevant platform.
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