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Posts posted by BronyxIllusion

  1. I know the earlier teams on PokeMMO have all but disappeared but at least I'm gonna try and bring back Team Brony. ALL BRONIES MUST STICK TOGETHER!!!

    >Tfw I never joined this team

    >Tfw that could have drastically changed this team's future

    >Tmw I went somewhere else, and suppressed who I was

    >Tmw greentexting.



  2. Kitty :0

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  4. I swear to fucking god I saw this pic on google and was so close to posting it lel but I used Doge instead....would have been awkward we both postin same pic at same time @_@

    That's strange, I saw doge, but decided not to post it because I've been posting too much doge.


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