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Everything posted by Sammier

  1. It would be really nice for beginners if you added like Pictures for each step :)
  2. Here it is :) Hope you'll all enjoy it! PS: im a Bonglet now.
  3. Took some time since nothing fitted Mega Kanga xD But here it is hope you like it: Maybe u like the previous version.. but i wont be surprised if u didnt. Anyways here it is: [spoiler][/spoiler]
  4. EDIT at the Drawing Section. I noticed im not suited to do drawings other than pokemons, so i restricted it to Pokemon drawings only. Sorry Ziggy and PeyPey but i dont seem to be the guy that can fullfil your requests T^T.
  5. So after the new update, you'll need a pokeball for your new egg. This can be any kind of pokeball (except masterball). When the old man gives you the egg, you can choose what kind of pokeball you want to use. My Suggestion is that after you have chosen what kind of pokeball you want to use, the old man asks: 'Do you want to use this everytime?' With this small change, you can prevent using the wrong pokeballs and you can save time. Your egg will be matched with the selected pokeball till you run out of those balls. You can change this setting by talking to the old man again (after you collected the egg).
  6. Here it is! Animated version: Here is yours :) Version 2 (just made that BG smaller) I just prefer doing Sigs over others xD
  7. its fine, but i have never done this before so dont hate on the results please :) When its done ull find it in PM
  8. Note: I have the right to refuse any requests. I do not have a waiting list. When your request is finished, I'll post it in this thread. So yeah i prefered to do that Pidgey first.. will do yours later
  9. I do not make images, i just search them on the internet. So i don't know if i can find a sad cacturne with his arms open. If u really want one, you should find me a render. You do know there is a custom Pokemon Trainer Ziggs skin? I could use that if u like? Same story as Pattylove. I do not create images, if u really want Officer jenny blowing bubbles u have to find me a render.
  10. Here it is. I hope you like it and if there is anything u want to change just pm me :)
  11. Drawings This is section is just for fun. I'm not the best or the most creative person, but I do enjoy making them. I only draw Pokemons. If u want to request a Drawing, please use this format: Pokemons: How do they stand/what do they do: Additional Text: Examples: [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  12. Banners Note: Making Banners take more time and i dislike the working with the size so I'll take a small payment for Banners. Prize: 5000 PokeYen I will not make Shops Banners, only Team or Tourney Banners. If you want to request a Banner, please use this format: Pokemons/characters: Renders: Size: Text(s): Colors: Additional info/Background: Examples: [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  13. Signatures If you want to request a Signature, please use this format: Pokemon/character: Render or Picture: Text: Colors: Additional info/Background: Examples: [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  14. Hello guys! I'm back with my new art shop. This time I will take requests from Sigs to Banners and even random (for fun) drawings. I can also do animations, but I'm still a rookie, so i prefer not animated things. For now requests will be Free, but I might take some kind of payment for it later. Note: I have the right to refuse any requests. I do not have a waiting list. When your request is finished, I'll post it in this thread.
  15. Ugh i get the feeling that swarms are just pokemons who escaped from alt cave...
  16. Nice Clean Theme =) Good Job I noticed 1 small thingy: the font of stuff like Social/ Friendlist is hard to read
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