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Everything posted by Casssandra

  1. [quote name='Kuma' timestamp='1364106273' post='243299'] I wish they had removed Long Swords fromt he game. [/quote] D: Why remove long swords? there fine and elegant and pretty powerful! no weapon in monster hunter deserves to be removed D:
  2. [quote name='jakeypoo44' timestamp='1364080027' post='242840'] [size=4]Hopefully there is more choice in this version [/quote] Well if its anything like monster hunter G (or monster hunter unite) There should be a TON of choice's and customisation options, this game is supposed to have G Rank quests in it, plus theres already more monsters in the game so that means more armour and weapons and more time i stay shut in my room till the end days XD
  3. Giggi was buffed? D: ....wait why am i scarred that thing is adorable~<33333 so far i've had 3 hunters get in over there heads and instantly tried to take on a rathian....you can guess how that went down for them with base equipment.....maybe if my duel swords were say....Green sharpness? i could have actually hurt her even in base armour, but yea no....starter duel swords, i bounced off that bitch more times then insert overused fat joke here
  4. the only annoyance i have with this game is the microphone, people can barely hear me, and when i speak to loudly i wake mum up >.>; well at least they have inbuilt keyboard XD besides half the people seem to be russian >.>;
  5. [quote name='Kuma' timestamp='1363951626' post='240935'] It's inititally region locked, but there will be free DLC released in April that opens the region lock between EU/AU and the US. We should play some time, Cass. [/quote] Yaaaayyy~ i can show off my hunting skills to the world! rather then just europe X3
  6. my brain hurts trying to make sense of the calculations X.X
  7. [quote name='Giygas' timestamp='1363703758' post='235708'] Every single reason why you're wrong: [url="http://www.screwattack.com/news/death-battle-erred-goku-vs-superman"]http://www.screwatta...oku-vs-superman[/url] [/quote] Wow...thats quite an artical...not even....well i've been reading for a few minutes but im not even a quarter of the way down XD and the information is greatly anaylsed im starting to rethink the death battle now XD
  8. Ahh it comes out in Australia tomorow i cant waaaaaaaiiiiiitttttttt~<3333333333 i hope its not Region locked like the last one, but more then likely will be ><; but if it isnt i cant wait to show off my god like hunting skills~<3 would love to revive the good old days of monster hunter unite at school~ Everyone had it and me along with my brother and his 2 mates were the best hunters in the school ^^ i somehow even got a teacher into the game X3 oh memories~~<3
  9. [quote name='Darkshade' timestamp='1363863047' post='239208'] I have no other layer to put them in, plus they are a 'bag', which would normally go on your back, so this is unlikely to happen. [/quote] You can always create a new layer :3 but again, not my game i'm just throwing ideas out XD
  10. i had to share this, probably one of the funniest dark souls things i've seen XD [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd4JnDKGj_Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd4JnDKGj_Y[/url]
  11. Randomly found this one XD Just needs sif and it would be perfect~<3 [img]http://fireden.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Crossbreed_Priscilla.jpg.jpeg[/img]
  12. [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/055/e/e/dark_souls___chibi_priscilla_by_iforher-d4qtqat.jpg[/img]
  13. ahh priscilla i love it ^^
  14. [quote name='Safushio' timestamp='1363586362' post='233864'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Fa3rMOm.jpg[/img] [/quote] SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFF~<3333333333333
  15. [img]http://www.smackjeeves.com/images/uploaded/comics/5/8/58e3abad751uV.jpg[/img] My first hours of Dark souls went a little like this v basicly My first attempt at invading [img]http://memecrunch.com/meme/DW4H/you-came-to-the-wrong-neighborhood-dark-souls/image.png[/img]
  16. [img]http://i.imgur.com/276vtos.jpg[/img] Laughed a little more then i should have at this XD [img]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/282/850/b38.jpg[/img]
  17. [quote name='Misfire33' timestamp='1363479010' post='232040'] Three days too late, man. :| [/quote] TIS NEVER TO LATE :3
  18. [quote name='Squall' timestamp='1363412339' post='230869'] I'll add you now :3 And swearing is fine as long as it's not aimed towards team members. [/quote] Alrighty~ thats awesome ^^ i'll log on now so i can be added :3
  19. IGN: Casssandra Favourite Pokemon(from any Gen): Leafeon~<3 (and Gardevoir) A Timezone and a Time that you will be online (so that I can add you): GMT+10 the time im on varies very greatly though Basicly i just sit and chill every so often, i have to ask though cause i've seen a few teams and they dont condone this sort of thing....Can i swear in the team chat? cause i fucking love to swear XD and its really the only thing that pisses me off XD other then that im pretty chill, i havnt really been online lately due to lack of people to talk to and just been luriking a little on the forums XD
  20. ahh i always wanted to do a LP of this game~ but i dont have the stuff i need for it Q3Q instead im highly considering doing a little comic :3
  21. well its not so much of a new item but, the sidebag and the wings are on the same slot, i find it silly that i cant have my wings on my back and have a side bag on at the same time XD i feel the sidebag shouldnt be a back accessery as its cleary not on you characters back XD
  22. [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv84ejvrQv1r1jlqko1_500.jpg[/img]
  23. [quote name='LoliSauce' timestamp='1363201312' post='227761'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XBNoTy0.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9aFMNcu.png[/img] I prefer Gravelords and Daughters of Chaos myself, but Sunbros are chill. Now if only there were a Fluffy Tail covenant for the almighty Priscilla. [/quote] Take out the gravelords cov then my words exactly for to a friend XD
  24. DO IT :3 [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzc2410F1J1qbn3hqo1_400.png[/img]
  25. Never surrender - Combichrist
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