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Everything posted by lZakyl

  1. Hey! Can someone give me a link or something to learn how to make mods for the game?
  2. Can I get banned if I trade with a person who uses external programs?
  3. so if I connect from different ip's I run the risk of being permanently banned?
  4. Hola, quisiera saber si es legal el uso de 2 cuentas a la vez (una en pc y otra en móvil) puesto que he creado una cuenta y me ha salido que he sido baneado por 2 días al parecer porque inflijo la conducta de compartir cuentas. ¿Puedo apelar a este baneo? la cuenta igual es totalmente nueva. Me gustaría una respuesta rápida por parte de moderadores o soporte si lo hay. ^^ Hello, I would like to know if it is legal to use 2 accounts at the same time (one on PC and one on mobile) since I have created an account and it has come out that I have been banned for 2 days apparently because I inflict the behavior of sharing accounts . Can I appeal this ban? the account is still brand new. I would like a quick response from moderators or support if there is one. ^^
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