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Everything posted by 17603308375

  1. 17603308375


    I hope that the application I sent is not a robot approval, but a staff member. Take a good look at my application. I think my hard work for so long was in vain. I am not here to make trouble. I have been waiting for an official reply from 3 am until now. I hope it can help me resolve my misunderstanding and I can sleep well.
  2. 玩家姓名:Yyoooba 封禁状态:真钱交易 内容:管理员你好。我是一名中国的游戏玩家,游戏时长1200小时。今天凌晨3点左右,我正在抓百变怪,弹窗游戏封禁,我所有全部的交易都是和游戏里面的玩家正常交易用的游戏虚拟货币。最近一次交易出售的PP果8.4k一组,还有rp点1000rp 2m交换,别的时间在打道馆和天王,从来没有不劳而获收取他人物品,更没有出售过任何一件装扮和游戏币。我曾买过游戏中买过rp点也是官方消费的(可查询交易记录),我在和他人游戏交易过程中可能有一些矛盾,我不排除有人恶意举报,可查询我的游戏交易记录。 我是一个很普通的玩家,游戏里的每一分钱都是我一点点玩攒下来的,从开始到种果子起步,到我的第一只5v精灵,我的第一个时装,和频道里的玩家参加活动,我讨厌破活游戏秩序的玩家,更不想成为这样的人,我享受游戏里的每个美好时刻并把他们记录下来,游戏也是我在糟糕的生活中的一点点快乐,我希望管理员能还给我一个清白。 Player name: Yyoooba Banned status: real money transactions Content: Hello, administrator. I am a Chinese gamer, and the game lasts 1200 hours. At around 3 o'clock in the morning today, I was catching all kinds of strange things, and the pop-up game was banned. All my transactions were virtual currency for normal transactions with players in the game. A set of 8.4k PP fruit sold in the last transaction, and exchange of rp points of 1000rp 2m, other times in the Daoguan and Tianwang, I have never received other people's goods for nothing, and I have never sold any costumes and game coins. I have bought rp points in games that are also for official consumption (you can check transaction records). I may have some conflicts in the process of game transactions with others. I do not rule out malicious reports. You can check my game transaction records. I am a very ordinary player, every penny in the game is saved by me playing a little bit, from the beginning to the start of planting fruits, to my first 5v sprite, my first fashion, and channel Players here participate in activities. I hate players who break the order of the game, and I don’t want to be such a person. I enjoy every good moment in the game and record them. The game is also a little bit of happiness for me in a bad life. I hope that the administrator can return me an innocence.
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