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Everything posted by Linken

  1. Team Name: Aventerror Team Tag: AvE Registered Players: Linken, Barracus, Rendom, AQA, CaptainLordgamer Team Captain: Linken
  2. cpt vs me http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen3ou-235410583 Edit: I think i've reached the point where #13 won't do anymore
  3. gg tyrone you got coached by hax/RNG hard ;) [spoiler]also my crit against snorlax didn't mattered Choice Band Tyranitar Rock Slide vs. Snorlax: 281-331 (59.2 - 69.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO[/spoiler]
  4. if you're so sure to win how about a bet? got 250k ready
  5. EZ Game http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen3ou-232966035
  6. If both Frags and KingBowser would have signed up normally for the season their prices would around 40k each i believe
  7. [spoiler] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8HtmFtGSQo [/spoiler]
  8. i still don't count this as a match fix due to the lack of knowledge about the players on both sides. also would sth count as a match fix if a manager (in this case Eggplant) had substituted a better player with defintive worse one? (he couldn't know cause bara is pretty much a noname in the comp scene atm)
  9. no rules were broken since it's no match fixing
  10. for the future we'll ensure you to conceal our true intentions and go with the "he went inactive" excuse then also there is nearly no possibility not to sub a player before seeing the roster
  11. how to fix a match: -know your opponents player strengths and weaknesses -know your own players strengths and weaknesses -use that to your advantage i'm pretty sure that egg or anyone else in the team didn't do any of these points so no match fixed here i mean how can you fix sth if you don't know what to use... Edit: What if Egg lied about flare being inactive at some point in the week? In theory no rules would have been "broken" He chose the honest way though cuz he's not a crybaby like you ;) [spoiler]#shotsfired #trashtalkOP[/spoiler]
  12. can't click on his name or whatsoever which results in me not being able to contact him via forum
  13. what's telfs forum name (does he have an account? search gives me banned players)
  14. gg amanu was hoping for the standard boah set there ^^
  15. amanu vs me starts now http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen3ou-231617484
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