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  1. I've actually been using that a lot recently after learning you can turn off the DS sprites. Its VERY well done! With a combination of a overworld replacement and the nostalgia edition, it would be the perfect mmo for the 90's kid.
  2. Holy molly, based on your graphics update, if there was anyone else to do a great job with the Gameboy throwback it would be you. P.S Darkshine I always see you going beyond modding including answering questions ingame and i want to take this time to not only suck up to you but also commend you on your sprite update as well. it looks beautiful.
  3. It's more of a question rather than a suggestion, but does anyone know how hard it would be/if its possible to replace the FireRed Kanto overworld sprites with ones from one of the GB and GBC (generation I and II) games? This is including all of the buildings, bushes, items on the ground,trees, ect.
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