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Everything posted by noty

  1. 出鬼火质子 胡桃夹子木偶服,收素巨金、火龙
  2. 时间就算公布了 你信吗?
  3. If the donor status is used, the additional increase in the data encountered is within 10%, I think the font color in the upper left corner should be changed to gold. This reminder has been triggered * times. If there is no discoloration, it does not play a role in the additional increase. As far as the current price is concerned, I don't know whether I will continue to use it next month :)
  4. 带胖嘟嘟还不稳,你还得带2组球。
  5. 压迫感/干劲/活力 吸引更高等级的宝可梦锐利目光/威吓 赶走低等级宝可梦恶臭/白色烟雾(飞毛腿) -15(10)%野生宝可梦遭遇率沙隐 沙暴天气-25%野生宝可梦遭遇率雪隐 冰雹天气-25%野生宝可梦遭遇率发光/沙穴/无防守/虫之预感 +10%野生宝可梦遭遇率同步 有20%几率遇到相同性格的野生宝可梦迷人之躯 25%的几率遇到异性宝可梦吸盘/黏着 垂钓时宝可梦更容易上钩火焰之躯/熔岩铠甲 孵蛋时间减半捡拾 在对战结束后有机率会捡拾到特定物品采蜜 在对战结束后有机率会捡拾到甜甜蜜 部分特性的一些用法发光/沙穴/无防守/虫之预感 狩猎地带可以在有限步数多遇宝可梦同步 限时活动中特定性格有加分 迷人之躯 可以较快获得御三家等1 ♀ : 7 ♂的母体 复制的 不知道对不对
  6. 怦然心动(palpitating with excitement eager to do sth)
  7. https://wiki.52poke.com/wiki/Category:招式(按作用范围分类)
  8. 明星墨镜(Star Sunglasses)
  9. @DarkshadeCan you glue up the branches of the snowman this Christmas? The snowman has been waiting for a long time, but it seems that he has forgotten the snowman in recent years. Noty's Snowman will be very sad! ?
  10. 帝陨南瓜面罩(Emperor meteorite pumpkin mask)
  11. 雪人枝背饰(Snowman branch back ornament)
  12. They should understand that the number of years young people can have fun is very short, and not everyone is as rich as they are.
  13. 拼图杀人狂(Jigsaw Killer) 电锯惊魂(Saw)
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