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Everything posted by Emlee

  1. Concert girls, stray dogs and ajin soon ! digimon tri even sooner zomg. Also so pretty interested in a few new shows this fall <3
  2. the rules are that I own this place. Aoba is pretty cute. Not my fave though. Orange is good but not hitting that sweet spot completely for me. Prisma Illya is good but needs more SoL. I might like New Game best....
  3. @fredrichnietze Do you share the same opinion as the people who put on the podcast? I stopped listening when they started yelling (so correct me if I am wrong), but I think their issue with it is that it's not realistic? I guess if that's what you dislike about it then it could be hard to watch, but I don't think I've ever watched a realistic cartoon haha. Also Haifuri was fantastic @Tritios
  4. I visit tumblr like everyday. I have no shame. Who doesn't like cute girls?
  5. New Game! It has a refreshing setting - give it a shot!
  6. Stole my thunder by posting the gifs I slaved and slaved over finding.
  7. I don't think the first episode is enough to get someone hooked. I've watched it two or three times and still can't complete the entire series. The characters are unbearable. Maybe someday.
  8. No one is saying it's not a funny cartoon. I'm happy you learned to understand more of the jokes. Being a comedy doesn't mean there is less fan service, nor does it make the animation better overall.
  9. Yes. I like the show, it's great (and I'd recommend it), but satire or not that doesn't mean it stops coming off as trashy when there's tons of fan service and the animation is terrible at times. Yes, it's extremely comical - it's a very obvious comedy. At what point does satire become completely free from the criticisms that the material it's based off of has? I don't really think it ever does. You're so afraid of loli stuff but when it's "satirical" you're all for it? There's no difference between Illya climbing on Miyu in Prisma Illya and Megumin rubbing her new staff between her legs when it comes to viewing. "Help I work with kids.... BUT THIS SHOW IS SELF AWARE". I know you want to justify it, and you're welcome to it, but it still can be trashy imo. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who hates fan service, avoids loli, etc, just like I'd recommend it to the people who love SAO-esque main characters.
  10. I think getting Paulie out was both a good and bad move. The biggest mistake was anyone letting two showmances + another pair get this close to the end. Showmances needed to go long ago (RIP Day). I want Vic and Paul both in the house so they can break up Corey/Nicole and James/Nat. Nicole needs to be taken to the end for an easy win. If Bridgette came back and Nat lost James I think I could root for that pair... but I just think Bridgette is the cutest thing ever so it's it's more personal/entertainment. I think Paulie could shake things up if he came back... but to me he is just repulsive and I can't personally stand him so I don't want him back in the house. He touched Julie and like that was it for me. I don't want to see a Corey/Paulie finale either... I need a winner I can get behind this season. Steve, Ian, Andy, etc have been so disappointing. I think Andy deserved it now but I literally didn't watch that finale because I was so uninterested in BB15 by then. Meech and the care package made no sense to me either. I don't think America hates her but I didn't realize the fans she had. The care package sort of screwed her over in my mind anyway. GOD I MISS THE DAYS WHEN I THOUGHT NICOLE WAS CUTE.
  11. Season is shit. The person I hated and wanted out first week is now the person I want to win. Also praying for Bridgette buy back or else Victor. PLEASE DON'T LET PAULIE BACK INTO THE HOUSE.
  12. Emlee


  13. KonaSuba is great, but it is trash (fan service, poor animation, bad studio imo). Still worth the watch though.
  14. It's not ignorant really! Off the top of my head/very simplified: Your body consumes carbs for energy by default When there are more calories from carbs than needed for energy they're converted into fat storage (gaining weight) When you use up more energy than is provided through ingesting calories via carbs your fat stores are broken down into energy and used up ("burning fat") --> The above is accomplished by producing ketones, you're in "ketosis", hence the name keto diet. Not to be confused with ketoacidosis, which is when you're body can't regulate the production of ketones - this can be fatal, and is not caused by a health conscious keto diet. If you keep your ingestion of carbs low enough to not take yourself out of keto then you'll continually produce ketones and target fat stores as your main source of energy (along with calories from fats and proteins ingested) Essentially you're just skipping the carb breakdown pathway It's extremely easy to lose weight on a low carb, moderate protein, high fat diet... but that doesn't mean you should ignore calories completely, especially if you're eating high calorie dairy. It's hard to get into keto and people sometimes experience "keto flu" where they're nauseous, grumpy, fatigued, etc. Some people take 24 hours to get into keto, some people take 72+. A lot of people feel much more "clear headed", energetic, motivated, and happy on a keto diet once past the "flu" stage. I don't experience flu like symptoms but I definitely crave carbs when going back into keto. The first time I heard of keto was when a roommate of mine told me he used it to go from being an American football player to a rugby player. The results can be drastic.
  15. It is definitely a pain in the butt! It's easy to maintain weight on if you grab some extra fat and whatnot (heck some extra high fat cheese will get you there in no time), but it's difficult to find all of your nutrients for sure. I usually take vitamin C on it at least. It's much much much easier to get all your nutrients off of keto. I too don't recommend it for long term unless it improves your quality of life to be off carbs and you're committed to learning about nutrition. It's incredibly easy to come out of keto as well... and it's not that great for social eating (it basically kills social eating all together). Like a lot of things I am not 100% for or against it, just depends on the situation! No time for breakfast? _____________________________________ Gym related: Favourite time to go? I've been pretty set on 5-5:30am right now so I go before I start my day. I used to go in the middle of the day when I was leaving my lab space to go back home and do work - but now my lab space is elsewhere and I typically start work there from 7-8am and leave anywhere between 4-5:30. My schedule is flexible but this is the normal for me. By supper time I have no interest in traveling to the gym so the morning is best for me! I haven't been keeping up with yoga during the summer but I aim for Wednesday and Friday at lunch (should be back to it tomorrow). :) Yoga is a fantastic investment and I recommend it to anyone/everyone.
  16. What's your take on keto? It's a super controversial topic, the evidence is really back and forth.
  17. boo

    1. kloneman


      rip in pieces

    2. Munya


      His name was Plague, he never stood a chance.

  18. What didn't he like about it? It's definitely not a meal replacement for everyday - I think some people treat it that way.
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