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Everything posted by FlintBeastwood

  1. I really miss the Winter Summoners rift map, I wish they would bring it back.
  2. The Hecarim skin isn't bad, other than that there are really no skins I want from it. Maybe the maokai one since it's the only maokai skin i'm missing. >Still going to go broke because Gf wants all of the harrowing skins
  3. I'm not saying elise is a great late game hero, but she doesn't do 0 damage, she wrecks anyone who builds alot of health, and her initiate is amazing if you snowball and get tanky early on (which is what Elise is supposed to do) and % of health damage from total health, and from missing health is just extremely strong at any point in the game.
  4. The reason people rush bork is because it capitalizes on % of health damage and gives attack speed for the silver bolts, sure the Q is always maxed first, but to take down any bruisers/tanks in teamfights 60-80% of the damage done to them is always going to be silver bolts, that is the whole point of the bork+bt rush on heroes like vayne and kog'maw
  5. Just hatched an adamant 3/6 Shiny Dratini
  6. You never added me, 3711-7266-8845
  7. If you would still like to trade the shiny grumpig i'll be on for about 5 hours
  8. Not really sure tbh, mostly just another shiny, or a ditto with a decent amount of 31s
  9. I have a Shiny Ditto if anyone wants to trade for that (lol doubt it) >Limber
  10. This just in % of health damage falls off late game, you heard it here first folks, guess vayne just isn't a good late game carry anymore either. Also everyone forgot to mention her amazing dragon control.
  11. I added you, my friend code is 3711-7266-8845
  12. I started practicing Elise for the skin release haha, unfortunately I already have Death Blossom. Not sure which of the 2 skins i'll use though
  13. Most people I know hated this, but I enjoyed it.
  14. Added you, Friend code is 3711-7266-8845
  15. Feel free to add me, summoner name is Flint Beastwood. My elo decay took my out of gold and put me in silver III but luckily I managed to climb back up in less than a week, looking for a decent duo partner, or just some people to play normals with Also i'm really bad
  16. So far it's just Helioptile and Emolga. Can't wait to see the 3rd though!
  17. Mine is 3711-7266-8845 Name is Jason, or you can put flint.
  18. FlintBeastwood


    IGN: FlintBeastwood, just looking for a team of chill dudes to hang with
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