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Everything posted by Eek

  1. Adventure Quest it's so so bad
  2. Eek

    League Of Legends

    This needs to be sticky it's the only thread i like
  3. Eek

    League Of Legends

    Haven't played since then, Should i?
  4. Eek

    League Of Legends

    SKTNumber1 YESSSSSSSSSSSSS Not even 21 minutes :O
  5. Eek

    League Of Legends

    SKT1... Will post how happy i am after they win in about 35 minutes
  6. Eek

    League Of Legends

    Piglets almost penta made me scream and it's 6:51 am here
  7. Eek

    League Of Legends

    er mah gerd worldsssssssssssssssssssssssss
  8. Eek

    League Of Legends

    Ashe is wayyyyy too good
  9. Eek

    League Of Legends

    I don't understand. Are they your favourite's?
  10. Eek

    League Of Legends

    It's biased xD You need to increase your MMR which you can do by just winning more than losing. Also play solo queue and not duo queue it's easier. Syndra has really strong burst and because she's underplayed people don't see it coming in ranked :D
  11. Eek

    League Of Legends

    Nope i play Ahri/Annie/Fizz/Lux/Syndra etc
  12. Eek

    League Of Legends

    Master yi doesn't need a nerf he already got nerfed
  13. Eek

    League Of Legends

    Annie is my best and the best champion
  14. Eek

    Kinda Back

    Thanks guys <33333
  15. Eek

    Kinda Back

    It was already broken
  16. Welcome to the forum and game, enjoy your time :)
  17. Eek

    Kinda Back

    Thank you very much kind sir
  18. Eek

    Kinda Back

    Ok ok so I've not played the MMO in quite a few months now and have decided I shall make a new character and run through the game again... I say run I mean slowly but surely and make sure I enjoy it. I was thinking maybe go through the game using only one type of pokemon but idk yet we'll see :) But yeh just a quick hello and hopefully I'll see you in game both old faces and new :D
  19. Eek

    Fascinating Facts

    Just what school taught me, never really cared enough to check
  20. Eek

    Fascinating Facts

    Every continent starts and ends with the same letter :)
  21. Eek

    Aww yeahhhh

    I want it!
  22. We would of all killed something in life sometimes without noticing. Everything dies eventually. Shouldn't have feelings towards spiders.
  23. Soon... Soon

  24. I'm actually so excited for this :D It's 6am here as well :/
  25. Stupid PC being all stupid and stupid i miss my PokeMMO

    1. Squall


      RIP Eek ;_;

    2. Eek


      Nooooooo <3

    3. Safushio


      Rip Eek again.

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