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Posts posted by skazord

  1. this serves a little practical purpose too, like at a tourney, when you start spectating there's always the question of "who's who?" and this could eliminate that.


    But yeah this should be one of those way down the line kinda things.


    Or, they could just add nametags next to the pokemon, like they should've done right from the start...


    the point is it wud be awesome:)! just imagine walking in on a massive tourney where in the overworld it actually looks like they are battling:) well i can only dream.


    They should keep that for when they actually add custom arenas for tournaments. For now, it would just be a massive clusterfuck, as we don't have any good area to hold tournaments at.

  2. Seems like a lot of work, and would require either that you always stand in that fashion when battling or that it teleports you into appropriate position when battling.


    Not worth it imo, maybe in a long time but probably not



    Completely pointless, to be honest, and would cause more trouble than it's worth. They should focus somewhere else, there's still a lot to do before the game is playable.

  3. Started on Red version, back in 99 or 2000, not sure. Owned all the games in the series (besides Green, as it was never released in Europe) until RSE, including those.


    Took a break until BW2, and this year, I got a flash card for the DS and played the ones I missed.

  4. I don't think that is worse than going to jail and then being labeled a child predator for the rest of your life.


    Nope, but going to jail depends on what you do there.


    It just takes one visit to any Tor site (even if what is in it is legal, because there is legal stuff there too) to get compromised, though.

  5. Please enlighten me



    Getting your name put on a watch/grab list because you visit a site known for human trafficking/cp


    This, and more.


    While Tor is generally safe, the way it works is you connect to other users/servers called nodes, and you never know who exploited what, if you're running appropriates configurations and if you're safe or not. You might get your PC infected by the most advanced botnets that will use your PC for illegal activities (DDoSing, password cracking by brute-force, etc), you might get your personal info stolen, there's a whole load of stuff that can happen if you happen to go to the wrong place or if someone manages to get a hold of your info or computer. And most of this happens without your knowledge, and when you realize, it's generally too late.

  6. I was talking about actual trouble.


    If you think the worst that can happen there is getting caught doing something illegal, you're wrong.


    Tor is very secure for the most part; and many of these 'vulnerabilities' were due to a mistake on the part of the user. A guy who hosted a huge network of Tor nodes with a ton of illegal activity ("Freedom Hosting" it was called iirc), was caught by the FBI because he sent outgoing messages from an essentially unsecure (non-Tor) connection.


    That is true, but do you think the average teenager that is on a pokemon forum has the knowledge to dodge all the bullets and keep himself safe? I think not.

  7. cover your webcam pls


    Tor is not entirely safe, it's been proven multiple times to have vulnerabilities, and there are loads more, they're just waiting to be found out - and a lot of them are known, just not widespread. There are people who WILL take advantage of those.

  8. Its pretty safe unless you actively search for illegal things (cp comes to mind as the worst)


    It really isn't, and you're naive to think you're safe anywhere in there.

  9. A speech vs Custom gym badges, gyms, city names, and theme songs.


    Gym leaders were included in Pokemon story lines too, more so than Elite four ever have. The only real involvement Elite Four have ever actually had in any Pokemon game was in Gen 5 where you meet Marshal a few times. Aside from that its always the Champion who gets involved (see Lance gen 2,  Wallace/Steven gen 3, and Cynthia gen 4).

    You could count Lorelei in FR/LG but that's a sidequest at best since the islands don't play into the plot at all.


    tl;dr gym leaders are heavily rewarded for losing that tournament and Elite Four need stuff too (custom theme songs pls)


    Just because something happened in the normal games, it doesn't mean it'll be the same here. These gym leaders in the game are named after TWL members, and the game plot revolves around that; it is, like I said, fairly easy to implement them in storyline quests that are directly tied to game and story progression - not just sidequests.


    They might also have direct ties to side quests involving legendaries, but that depends on their chosen type and what me and Orcy decide, sine we're pretty much designing the game and the quests ourselves. This part though, also applies to Gym leaders.


    Bottom line is, no one is going to be left out, and there's plenty of room in the game to implement a long story line, numerous side quests (don't forget the ridiculous amount of legendaries there are up to gen5, and not only that is worth a side quest, there's much much more), and a huge world that can be as big as me and Orcy feel like. There's a lot of potential in this game, and again, no one will be left out.


    I know I'm not in this team but, been following the progress of that game and it seems fucking great I'd like to play it if possible. 


    If not, props to you guys.


    Game will be fully released to the public (free, obviously), it's not exclusive to TWL members. We're doing this for fun and as a hobby, and there's no reason not to distribute this to everyone who wants a piece of it.

  10. I'm sure we can think of something to make it a bit fairer to be in an Elite 4/Champion Position.


    Everyone of them gets to have a nice speech, how is that not fair? And you can also include them in the storyline fairly easy.

  11. Anyone that is a gym leader in TWL Mon please send me a picture that can be used as your gym badge, it doesn't really matter what it is as long as it is remotely badgelike. 

    For example the first three badges here are ones chosen by Kelarr, Loli and myself. (I know they are not in the right order.)



    tfw no qt3.14 badge


    sucks to be champion


    For those that want to see the results of the Little Cup we had to decide the Champion, Elite4 and Gyms, you can take a look at this challonge link: http://challonge.com/wailselitecup


    This game is turning out pretty sweet, we're making a lot of progress now, and a few test versions may be around pretty soon.

  12. Well that wouldn't be too much of an achievement for you right? But thank you.


    So, when are you thinking about taking that out of your ass?

  13. But where else would I get my mail order Korean bride?


    Department of Immigration and Citizenship, wait for a korean woman that needs to get married to get citizenship, score.

  14. The deep web hasn't been safe in months. The FBI/CIA/NSA has cracked the encryption months ago, and something like this was imminent.


    And yes, if you're reading this topic and don't know what the Deep Web is, don't go google that shit, don't try to look for it. Don't be an edgy for teh lulz XD faggot and go get yourself in trouble. That shit is not for everyone, and you're not safe there if you don't know what you're doing.

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