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Everything posted by loserzero

  1. 我们几个人均二十个号,不过像我这样的也就种一个月休息半年
  2. WTB very sweet seeds , very spicy seeds for a long time, wtb1-500stacks
  3. 一千万太少了吧,别看不起管理,把w换成e还差不多,不过有这个权力的也看不上钱了
  4. 说是这样的,实际上每次都有人这么想,去年哥几个整了1w组,卖了半年
  5. Provide a small suggestion, it is very troublesome to switch accounts and enter passwords every time(I have 10 accounts!). Almost all players with multiple accounts have this problem. Perhaps you can try adding an account recording function to switch accounts without having to re-enter them. like this ,Simply click on the account to log in If this feature is troublesome, after all, it is not a necessity. More resources should be invested in the development of new regions. I am not here to expedite the progress,QAQ(xd)。Looking forward to the emergence of this Johto Region!
  6. I think this is more suitable for mobile players. Computer players can observe it by adjusting the magnification, or use a GUI with modified water patterns, for example, I like to use the yibu (Eevee) watering GUI.(Its link is referenced below) By the way, the screenshot above is from two months ago. At that time, Graciea was worth planting, but some friends and I believe that the impact of Graciea on the PokeMMO is more harmful than beneficial, and it is too beneficial for third-party players. We have repeatedly suggested modifying Graciea's price, and now it seems successful.
  7. When watering, a berry icon will appear to cover the water droplets, making it difficult to determine the specific number of water droplets After using this MOD, the berry icon will not be displayed for easy judgment during watering, like this But the icons of backpacks, etc.will also disappear Download: https://wwjj.lanzouw.com/iVFkE0u276ab
  8. 之前试过,但我这么做提取出来的没有图标的MOD文件,好奇怪
  9. 我之前也试过,mmo好像是放弃32位xp系统了。 不是的,他意思是说他的电脑是xp32位,但mmo是64位的,所以显示不是有效的32位应用程序
  10. nb的好兄弟,话说这些图标有没有原版的素材,我翻了半天都没找到,有的话能不能发我一份
  11. 八成服务器炸了,不是成都也不是更新
  12. 物品高清的和这个顺序换一下应该就行了,mod里面有调节顺序的
  13. 你使用的可能不是我这个,这个所有果子图标都去掉了
  14. WTB a lot of very spicy seeds for a long time , less than 100 stacks everyday is ok. and if you want to learn plant other berry you could be easier and more profitable than leppa or 16h berry if you cooperate with me
  15. 春节万圣圣诞的应该都不是绝版的
  16. Cheri, Rawst, Pecha, and Leppa berry, which have the largest number of people planting berries, have the first three incomes of 130-180k per day. They need to be planted once (6 minutes), harvested once (6), and watered once (4), a total of 16 minutes per day, about 10k/min, while the income of Leppa is 200k, planted once (6), harvested once (6), and watered twice (8), a total of 20 minutes per day, also 10k/min. But if you plant 67 berries, the income is 450k, planting once (6), harvesting once (6), watering five times (20), a total of 32min, the average day only needs 10.3min, but there is 14k/min, the planting income is the highest in the same time, and it is the easiest. If you are interested, you can contact me. I can purchase your berries/seeds for a long time. At the same time, I can also provide you with seeds, share the methods to improve the planting speed, customize your planting schedule for you, and only water the 67 fruits for 4 times. I can contact more than 1000 berry growers from China behind me. We have formed many berry growers groups of 1000 people. Don't worry about your products being sold. If you need to, you can message me or send me an email in the game. My game ID is: loserzero
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