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Everything posted by JWingWangWong

  1. Yea, SquareEnix is third party so they don't do exclusives as much anymore. No doubt about it. At Microsoft's conference they tried making people come back to their system with meh exclusives and free games with gold, but the only thing I'll be getting from M$ is the free games they are giving every month on XBOX 360 until they stop doing so. Sony seems to be doing everything right this time around. Region free console, removable harddrive, a cheaper price tag than the XBOX One, and games that are looking to be promising are some of the things the PS4 has to destroy the XBOX One.
  2. Sorry for making you doubt, but it's true. http://ca.ign.com/articles/2013/06/11/e3-2013-kingdom-hearts-iii-heading-to-xbox-one
  3. Darkshade if we cant get that Kyubey mask can we at least get Kyubey ears?
  4. Star Wars Battlefront 3? HOLY SHIT IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx4JQf8qR-k&feature=player_embedded
  5. That might be an interesting countermeasure but doesn't /DND do other stuff like block requests and stuff? If DND had toggle features such as turning off/on block records then maybe that be good. I say an option to hide /who info would be a better solution via menu.
  6. The problem I have with this is what if people do not want you to find them. It's an interesting idea as I like seeing people's records, but then an idea of a leaderboard would come into mind.
  7. +1 to Shu for making a pretty nice GUI. Also I added a banner to the OP.
  8. I'm surprised pikachu isn't on the list because it was an actual starter for yellow. Edit: for some odd reason I always picked fire starters with cynaquil being my most favorite
  9. Devs have a good idea where their progress is but a date is never. I imagine we will be close to the date when a preview of hats comes out and some mysterious landscape beside the words OENN ONFIRMED will make people so happy. I may have just ruined Kyu's surprise unless we're doing a whole new preview on pants.
  10. This game used to give me nightmares because of the death sound it used to make in the Mac version of the game. I couldn't play Oregon trail for almost 3 years in elementary.
  11. We have a possibility the next update could be in June 2013. Now, if anyone knows about the updates and the patterns they would know that each season starting in fall 2012 we have gotten seasonal Pokemon. The last day of Spring is June 20th 2013, which means that the first day of Summer is June 21st 2013. It is known that these updates so far have not come on the exact first day of a season but rather a week or two after that date. A member of staff have currently given this idea a "Perhaps " indicating it may or may not come in June 2013. From speculation, if it doesn't come in June 2013 there is a good chance it may come early July 2013. For now, I have placed on the OP the possible release date for this update and if staff would like to discuss the accuracy about the matter I would love to talk about it. Thanks.
  12. And so I did search that and the difference between this idea and friend chat is friend chat is impossible and impractical. (Also the friend chat suggestion was denied by Kyu so it is not going to be in the game). A friend chat system is too much to ask for for two simple reasons 1) No one has the same friend list therefore causing so many loopholes and problems. 2) Teamspeak/Skype already solves this A whitelist is pretty much a reverse block list and it is possible and practical. A whitelist: 1) Would have the same system as a block list where a user can white list someone without their approval. This is advantageous to be like that as it prevents certain users for needing people on the whitelist and both parties may need different users at different times. 2) Allows for more organized recordings and prevents trolling from other users As for saying this suggestion is too much we can't say that is true or false because we are not developers for the game and only they would know if that is true or not. Also I am not suggesting this a suggestion is a priority, but rather that it is possible. ShinyChansey, the OP of this thread says it real well:
  13. After looking at my list of upcoming features recently I noticed I added something to the next update: According to the live stream, Dumuzid said that you are able to use your Pokecentre a bit more. Now, on the first floor of the Pokecentre you are not able to do anything more besides heal your Pokemon and access your PC. To my memory there is nothing else on the first floor you could possibly do. On the second floor, there is two unused sections and a useable PC. In the original game they were the cable club (meant for cable users) and the wireless club (meant for the wireless users) in which you could trade, battle and swap information. Dumuzid said that the features implemented in the Pokecentre is going to be HUGE so this isn't going to be a small feature that's going to not go unnoticed. Now what does this have to do with this suggestion? Well since trading was a major factor for the second floor there is a good chance there is going to be a more advanced trading system. Could they have used this suggestion? We'll have to find out.
  14. Saying it is too much to ask for demands a reason. I want to know why this feature is too much to ask for than any other feature in the suggestion box. For the OP I agree that is the common solution, but my modified idea wouldn't allow you to do this on Fire Red. Hmmm you and Brah said the same idea that is creepy. You maybe right, but I want to know why something like this is creepy. How it looks for this feature is if people are stalking you that be creepy and finding a countermeasure for it would fight back that creep factor.
  15. You're missing what I said before. The fact you would only want a white list of people that would only be allowed in your recordings. You can't do co-op plays on a fire red rom + emulator it doesn't work. Or another example where people do machinimas on stuff like this so they can do things like skits. If PokeMMO became more Youtube friendly it could attract more commentators which would also gain more spread and players to the game.
  16. Ill list them all because they all tie for being pretty bad - I jumped out of a storey high playground and my back hit the ground breaking my left collar bone. - I hit my head on a coffee table it was so sharp that it punctured my skull causing blood to go all over the place - At recess we were playing a game called bumper cars which was colliding with each other like bumper cars. One day we were playing it at a baseball field and I collided with a guy who instead did a simple nudge did a push so hard it dislocated and broke my right collar bone. and the best one I was biking on my cousin's bike and so as we went biking we went so fast down a hill. We were coming to an intersection so I needed to slow down. I did not know my cousin had extremely hi grade brakes on his bike so you could stop on a dime if you used them. I used the front brakes hard and the next thing you know my bike was doing front flips down the hill. I thought I was dead but at the end I lost a bit of my tooth and a few cuts. This is also why I wear a helmet to this day.
  17. Nah IGN isn't hard to get in your favour. You just have to agree with things that have positive news and joke about things that have negative news. It's complicated, but it's more or less a response those who say RIP Channel 2.
  18. If they did have that option I guarantee that most people would disable it because it would save time. Hence, if they put it in it has to stay there without toggling it off because it would be useless to implement if no one would have it on. Added to possibly™.
  19. True, but you don't press H to figure out what vitamin does what.
  20. Yea I know. The whole point of what I said was to do all the functions with one command instead of manually doing each one. Also would you agree that turning other people's sprites instead of being invisible would be something more useful for recording sessions? What if the argument wasn't because your computer couldn't handle it but rather you wanted to use it for recording reasons? Say you take Munya's idea where turning other people's sprites then having my idea where a whitelist feature where you can have certain people visible would be useful for people who do machinimas or co-op playthroughs.
  21. Yes because then you wouldn't need an FAQ to describe it and you would be able to see what each thing does before buying it.
  22. I agree there's no need to debate over something that doesn't give any major significance to development. Any update is a good update. Heck as long is there is an update that helps the game I'm satisfied. Even if an update contained three bug fixes it still be a good update because it fixed something. So then 1) The current moves now are a lot different from each other then? And charge for the lulz? Kyu u wud. 2) That's fine then. The current update is looking more toward aesthetic features like sound and GUI anyways.
  23. Hold it. What do you mean we are still sitting at ~95% move support? 5% of the move support needs to be finished which hopefully means with almost 2 months of development that should be close to a near 100%. It's possible too because a previous update added 8 moves within 12 days of development. If you mentioned abilities then yea I agree because out of all things this would be the most likely to set the alpha status back. The status of the game really doesn't mean much whether it's alpha, beta, or whatever but it does change the expectation of the game. In my view of a PokeMMO beta these are the minimal requirements: -100% move support - All scripts work -100% ability support - 100% move animation - Most bugs fixed Sure the doors opening and closing would make the game feel more complete and it be nice to listen to music but those five elements to me determine a game from being mostly playable to playable. I will be honest this update will take PokeMMO to a next step of expectations whether or not it changes the label that comes with it. The features in this update are a lot larger than something we expect from previous updates.
  24. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=6707273 [spoiler]Sorry Munya I'm going through a Phoenix Wright stage in my life.[/spoiler] This feature would be good for commentators on youtube. Say I wanted to film something and I don't want people in my videos. Sure you can go to deserted channels but there is no guarantee that people will or will not be there. This option would be useful. The offline mode would have its own setting where it would allow the user to toggle what they want in their offline mode such as dnd off/on, chat off/on, chat bubbles off/on, online status off/on, and invisible to the public on/off. There would be a whitelist for people that could bypass someone's offline mode so that if they want to do a recording with just them they can. Having said that I think there's a lot more important things that could be implemented instead of this. My rating for implementing this feature General Usefulness: 2/5 - Useful for Youtubers and those who want social isolation. Other than that not that useful to anyone else. Priority: Low - We don't need this right away Wow Factor: 1/5 - There's nothing really exciting about implementing this. Overall: 3/10 - Fails something we need implemented right away because most of the features we already have make most of this possible.
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