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Everything posted by eggroll

  1. thanks for the love :D i don't really have a set price, just put what your want (or pm) with an offer and i'll see if i get to it.
  2. hey ppl i need monies, and i make sigs i usually take a long time to get around making it but if you want one post here with the general synopsis of what you want
  3. Kyu Hat - 5 mil Knight Helm - 2 mil pm me forums or in game "eggroll"
  4. he actually sent me 50k, since i have money now id like to sign up to participate in this PSL! i know i'm late for registering and if i get denied i understand IGN: eggroll Timezone: central 'murica Tiers: ou, uu, airborne disclaimer: no comps so i'm just a bench spot til i get my team back
  5. you're not man, you're just a boy pretending to know the experiences that someone at your level of immaturity and intellect will never experience: a fucking life outside the internet. Edit: also don't talk to me until you move out of your parents basement
  6. cody gtfo you're still a virgin unless you banged your cousin last christmas or something, please leave this thread and never come back
  7. my recruitment story: me minding my own business in viridian JJ: 4v4 OU? Me: ok I destroy 3 pokes and like hell yeah ima win this shit turns out jj had 6 pokes gg pity invite was sent
  8. send a wingull mail to 'eggroll' consisting of 100k and your best iv'd pokemon so i can see your breeding skills for an invite to the illustrious LYLE
  9. american universities are and always will be a fucking joke. the professor doesn't give a rats ass about you, or your education. they are only there to take your money to keep whatever research they are doing to make a name for themselves and if they are good at it to benefit mankind. they don't teach you, they are just there because they have to be. ever seen hunger games? that is college in america. you get thrown in a fucking dome and if you survive you come out with a piece of paper a degree which makes you "hireable" in america. when you go work in the real world, nobody knows anything, you can trust me on this. the smartest people in the world are the professors, and they do not wan't any one they teach to join them. if you think about it, did your professor even take a class in fucking teaching? probably not. EDIT: there are professors however do genuinely give a shit about you, those however are rare like shinys in pokemmo
  10. when pokemon go comes out i'm going to travel the world and whoop everyone in a pokemon battle in person
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