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About xiamooni

  • Birthday November 26

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    ポピxiamooni ?#8319

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  1. I know this place is not to talk about these issues, and if you want to ban me, do it, but I just come to tell you that I was unfairly banned, I did nothing, I was only inactive for a few days, and when I went to my account they had banned me, This is an injustice, I just want to get my account back or tell me why I was banned, it was the only online game I could play, and just for something I did not do 'I was banned? What did I do? Oh why was I unfairly banned? If they want to ban me for this, since it is the only thing they know how to do, but this is unfair, I swear by my family that I did not do anything, nor do I know why it is the ban, but please. just don't do this with another innocent person. This was done by a translator sorry for the bad English
  2. Se que este lugar no es para hablar de estos temas, y si tanto desean baneanme, pero solo vengo a decir que me banearon injustamente, no hice nada, solo estar inactiva unos dias, y cuando fui entrar a mi cuenta me habían Baneado, esto es injusticia, solo quiero que me devuelvan la cuenta o diganme porque me banearon, era el único juego online que podía jugar, y tan solo por algo que ni yo hice ustedes me banearon, ¿que hice? Oh porque banean injustamente? Si quieren baneanme por esto, ya que es lo único que saben hacer, pero esto es injusto, juro por mi familia que no hice nada, ni se porque es el baneo, pero por favor solo no hagan esto con otra persona inocente.
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