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Posts posted by kakaloto

  1. I suggest that we use little icons to indicate things like flying, spikes, digging, diving, confusion, leech seed etc- but also for stat increases/decreases. For the stats it would be just excellent if they specifically said how many stages they'd been boosted/penalized, (could use a little + or - number in the stats colour or something.)

  2. I've been wanting an automated pvp tournament system forever now. It will be a lot of work for the devs, but it could totally revive the endgame. Also I really like your thoughts on using a ranking system to discourage exploitation. Lets hope they do something like this with the battle frontier.



    also altruns still being the best way to get recources(money/tm's/pp up's), is so so so so so bad i cant even describe it.


    ^ Could not agree more.


    Although I'm all for the not wanting to be baby fed money, comps etc. Thinkie is pretty right. I just don't think a game should be sucking hours out of somebody's life to earn ingame currency that will be returned by money sinks. We're talking multiple hours sitting and staring at a computer running back and forth.


    With regards to this suggesting, NPC battling just seems much more practical that grinding through running back and forth.

    Paydaying is cancer.


    ^ Exactly. Paydaying is the opposite of fun and NPC battling isn't much better when you're just sweeping them for reward money- but as these are the two main ways, (of only three ways), that pokeyen actually gets created for the pokeconomy it becomes necessary. This means that to support the pokeconomy and have money you must refrain from having fun for X amount of hours. I hate to say it but I'd just rather play something else that gives appropriate rewards for grinding that is actually fun.   (Until the pokeconomy stops sinking that is)


    and as long as the devs don't change breed (but adding a way to make money would be nice :)) the $$$ will eventually even out to a set amount


    Exactly. I'm rich in assets right now, super low in pokeyen. Would be nice if paydaying got a major boost. I seldom do it because it hurts my soul, but it's looking like I might have to.. 

  5. Well I finished the story I was going to enter with a few weeks ago and been making little edits here and there. I know it's too long to actually enter the competition with, but may aswell have something to read if entries are scarce. I've been trying to see if I could cut out a certain section of about 2000 words and use that but it feels too 'cutty'- like reading the middle of a book or only the first chapter.



  6. Oh, hi there :) *stops sanding canoe*


    I used to like to run the trainer tower for fun. It can be quite challenging and the payoff for multiple successful runs can make quite a lot of pokeyen. Lately I'm finding it as monotonous as paydaying though. I have a 'maximum efficiency' team for farming BP, but if I switch out a few pokes to add a wildcard or a UU it all falls apart. So, as I want the BP, I'm stuck using the same party over and over and over. The only pokes it seems okay to switch for without losing efficiency are all OU, (and overly OU by me.)


    My suggestion is a trainer tower with more random pokes, UU's, tricky BL's etc, and a lower BP payout. Maybe even the option of running a UU or NU trainer tower- also with a lower payout. As it is, the trainer tower is both boring *and* merciless at the same time: You can either use the same team or slightly differing variations of great pokes, over and over until you implode- Or you can train up and experiment with your favorite UUs and watch them get violated. Every. Time.

     Please introduce a happy medium or at least *some* variety. Thank you for your time.


    *goes back to sanding canoe* 

  7.  I'm seeing what people are saying about having to spend hours confirming for a poke they are just going to murder anyway.


    *What about some way of completely confirming the IVs that's as easy as the HP revealer? It will keep the noobs in suspense about their starters and satisfy the hardcore breeders. ( Would suggest it but need more posts :( )

  8. I think the controversial "Fusion System" could be just fine if the pokeconomy wasn't burning out. I mentioned it on another post but the only way pokeyen is being generated for the pokeconomy is through payday and npc payouts. Pokeyen is leaving the pokeconomy faster than ever before via fusing, GC coins and npc items. I mean at first I really hated the idea of losing my breeders, (like everyone else- still kinda hate it), then I realized that with all the pokes I bred in the golden age I would be rich- only to come to yet another realization: Way less people have money to pay for those pokes. Give it enough time and people will be selling fantastic pokes for the same prices they were worth during the golden(inflation) age, simply because people will be less wealthy on average. I'd also like to point out that the current moneybleed to the npcs hurts the prices of items like choiceband aswell as all the money you get for a choiceband comes directly from another player meaning it *had* to be paydayed or won from 100s of npcs. (even if they werent the ones to do the paydaying and npc farming- someone did.)

  9. I can sorta confirm that geodudes in kanto drop fossils Toupi. Durrheim was hunting them and found.. one? Cant remember, but it was a Kanto fossil and once revived it was treated as a wild. (not a gift)

  10. Currently, it seems like the only way actual cash can be injected into the pokeconomy is with Payday (ugh monotony) and NPC payouts (which are nerfed). Whereas the pokeyen is leaving the pokeconomy twice as fast through the new fusion system and npc item costs. So at some point soon the pokeconomy will crash. It would probably be a smart idea to add at least a little monetary value back to the elite 4 to avoid this crash or to make some Trainer tower-like battle system that generates pokeyen while players are having fun- but hey, can't make suggestions cuz I haven't made 25 posts yet. (working on it atm)

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