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Everything posted by Tetz

  1. Just a tip for using the spoiler function, to get stuff into it, type [/spoiler] on the other end of the object(s) to get the result, like so: ex: [spoiler] What's up? I'm Tetz! [/spoiler] Good luck with your sig shop!
  2. Seras Victoria!

  3. Welocme to PokeMMO! I hope you enjoy it!
  4. Too bad, I really would've liked to play this when it was out.
  5. Welcome to PokeMMO! Please enjoy your stay.
  6. I'll have to catch you tomorrow. Sorry.
  7. Welcome to the game! I'll be a friend of yours, if you'd like.
  8. Unfortunately, this pretty much sums it up.
  9. On the road again...

  10. This might help: https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/23716-looking-for-a-new-team/ Or this would be useful if you want to start your own team: https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/8167-guide-to-teams/
  11. Yeah guys, I'm leaving as well. This guild's gotten too inactive and it's really lonely, so I'm leaving the guild to Popelus. Cya guys around.
  12. I'd like to join up, PM me, bro.
  13. Welcome to PokeMMO!
  14. Please take out the ELMP part of my request, please.
  15. Welcome to Element Prestige, I'll add you when I can.
  16. I have work today, so I won't be on much. Tomorrow is also up in the air.
  17. Idk myself, but I think I read that it has a client version for Androids and iOS.
  18. Sorry I haven't been on lately. I think we should have our own teamspeak channel, because it gets a bit bothersome typing all the time. Anyone agree?
  19. Tetz


    Welcome to PokeMMO! I'll be happy to answer any questions. Just PM me if you have any.
  20. Are you still on? I'll be online tomorrow, so contact me when you can, so we can add you.
  21. The E8 is in 13 minutes. Anyone wanting to co-host, contact me on Skype now. Canceled for this week.
  22. E8 postponed til tomorrow.
  23. Alrighty then, to start up the weekend, we have the Elemental 8! Since this is the first time, we're going with the format used in the Moonlight Four in MLS: Lvl 50 Pokes and lower Only You can have up to 4 Pokemon. No Broken/Bugged moves Sleep Clause Evasion Clause Species Clause Only two defensive Pokemon. (e.g. Tanks/Walls)** Self K.O. clause hax items clause (Ex. Bright Powder, Quick Claw, King's Rock, etc.) One-hit K.O. clause Freeze clause Like I said, we're starting out, so I'll tweak it here and there from time to time. Also, I'd like to invite people to do co-commentary with me while I record the E8. Just contact me @ Tetz231 through Skype, and I'll create a group for us all to talk while we battle. For those unfamiliar with Skype, we'll just do voice chat, so your image won't be on Youtube. Just make sure you have a microphone so you can talk. This will be held @ 5:00 pm EST 10:00 pm GMT, today. If a certain amount of people can't make it, we'll postpone it for tomorrow or Sunday. Hope to see you all there! Only you would put that, Murphy, lol.
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