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Everything posted by SybilVain

  1. that's not racist, THIS is racist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJWdPn8iFKo
  2. sorry but I think you mean African Asian uh oh Flare I guess it's green :s
  3. I have a 1.3m offer now in PM I don't know why but I always seem to get multiple offers on the same poke suddenly and all at once -_- laaaaaame maybe
  4. hey I'm sorry about that, not trying to ignore anyone, I've just had a lot of work lately I don't wanna sell the 5x 31s for less than 1m since that's pretty much what they cost to make >_< it is lvl 100 and fully ev'd (although for some reason 252hp / 219def /39sdef, may wanna move some out of sdef idk) if you're ok with less than perfect 31s and wanna save money I've also got one that's bold 28|28|30|27|30|30 (lvl 100 and trained, ps/wow, male) I'd sell for like 500k I guess
  5. bump LF $$ offers on those amorph comps :i) also LF shiny arbok
  6. I feel like that's a little low? idk but sure you can have for 200k, just whisper when you're ready to get it c: yeah, it's a decent ditto but I can go lower than that. how about 225
  7. trade you my calm gard + $$ for azu ovo
  8. that's a price, not b/o lol there is no need to offer more, you can get it for 100k. my IGN is SybilVain
  9. goddamnit, if you trade an abra to that one kid for a mr mime (or whatever) do you say the kid killed the abra? I don't understand where everyone is getting this "kill" stuff. you trade the parent pokes to the guy for the egg they produce. trade. the guy says "you won't get them back" not "they will never see the light of day again" where is it coming from seriously
  10. I just had to say I love your shop title haha but I think pokemon will be to our grandchildren like pong is to us now XD
  11. awesome, it can totally fuck up some ground fire and rock types ...with surf
  12. 1.5m, satk would be 31 yes, whisper me to pick up- ign SybilVain someone asked for it a couple comments up ;-; ralts would be 1.5m, it would be 5x 31 alright whisper me to pick up c:
  13. hmmm maybe my brother will let me play on his computer so I can confirm those IVs for you I bet he would and he's got the game on it because I was trying to get him to play lol also- unrelated but where the hell is everyone? I see people spamming trade looking for amorphs ALL THE TIME it's literally all I breed right now yet I've heard nothing NO ONE WANTS A PERFECT AMORPH COMP? HELLO can do hidden powers np someone ask for something ;-;
  14. I did say that no matter what I do someone's gonna end up pissed, it's either "but I offered first" or "but I offered more" ;_; I stick to my word, don't hate me for that :'( anyway no one's gettin a thing til I get a new computer XD
  15. alright, so my computer refuses to run the game anymore XD I should have a new one by tuesday. then I'll get back to everyone. sorry for inconvenience.
  16. hey I've got 3 pokes I'd like to get trained and leveled if you can? I'll edit this post with the info if that's alright. I gotta see where they need EVs cx
  17. okay guys my game freezes every time I walk into/out of a building or encounter a poke XD I've tried everything
  18. inb4 it hatches perfect AND shiny and u eat that post hey buy somethin or gtfo imma call security on u for loitering hue [spoiler][center] [/center] MOVE ALONG SIR[/spoiler]
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