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BattleBrown last won the day on January 1 2023

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BattleBrown's Achievements

  1. 22nd OT - 13,200 encounters. Thank you to everyone in Team Mr for being sooo nice and welcoming towards me! Mr >>>>>>
  2. After 1 solid year of egg hunting: finally! 397 boxes (24k eggs) started at 40k encouners. Total 63,810 (caught 300 boxes of dittos) rest of them bought 21st OT and first OT in Team Mr!
  3. Yes over a few years not in a single day. I played for a while in 2013 and then stopped. came back a few years ago when realising you could play on mobile so these are over last 3 years
  4. 19) loudred - no idea encounters, was farming dittos 20) Stealix Won onix catching event victory road kanto!
  5. 15) Graveler - 6990 encounters, Sableye phase 1 16) Sableye - 780 encounters my shortest hunt ever!
  6. 13) Ponyta - 9050 encounters (amulet coin farming) 14) Ditto 34,573 - Farming dittos for failed egghunt lol
  7. 3) Misdreavus, missed her out. 3rd shiny after Golbat 2k encounters 12) Nidorina - 1670 encounters
  8. 9) Meowth - 12k encounters amulet coin farming 10) Sealeo - 52,900 encounters
  9. 7) Piloswine - encounters: no idea was leveling up typhlosion. 8 ) Meowth 9324 encounters amulet coin farming
  10. Massive thank you to Exotic for talking me through egg hunting and encouraging me to egg hunt 6) CHARMANDER - 39 boxes!!! OBVIOUSLY my favourite shiny and very lucky
  11. Hi guys, first time posting on here, I have 20 OT shineys here are the first two: 1) Sneasel - 85k encounters (after completing all 4 regions) 2) Golbat 72k encounters
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