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Everything posted by DaBrais

  1. Balanced? A lot of ppl have multi accounts autofarming all the region's every day, even if u just farm 1 account every day u can get easily 2m
  2. I literally explain why this vanity's and de next ones don't gonna elevate theirs prices xxdd I tried my best, mb xdd
  3. I play this game from 2016, and I'm not asking if I'm right or I'm wrong, I'm just appealing to the admins. The people who knows about the game and know clearly that is really happening to the game. So, thanks for your opinion and keep being a sheep 🐑.
  4. -ESPAÑOL- Plan económico para revivir pokemmo. Para entender el siguiente planteo, hay que saber que, las únicas maneras de hacerse rico en pokemmo es de formas no convencionales. Cómo el GTL Sniping, reventas de shinys o invertir en vanity's (entre otros). Volviendo al último ejemplo de la lista, la inversión en vanity's es muy común. Pero... Porque ? La inversion en vanity's es algo que se hace desde los comienzos de pokemmo, pero ya no es efectiva, y te explico porque: El valor económico de algo varía según su: Calidad y Escasez (Cantidad) Y es por eso que los vanity's de antes valen tanto, porque no solo no había la cantidad de jugadores que hay ahora, sino que los jugadores de antes eran jugadores casuales, que podían conectarse un par de veces y no volver a conectarse nunca más. Haciendo que esos vanity's sean super Escasos, y por ende caros. Esto no puede pasar acutalmente porque la cantidad de jugadores ricos y/o inversores es muy grande, haciendo que el pilar "Calidad y Escasez" se desplome. La cantidad de jugadores que gastan más de 100m de forma individual en vanity's es abrumadora, haciendo que la oferta supere por creces la demanda. También hay que aceptar que en PokeMMO hay una inflación, y cada vez es más y más grande. Pero es una inflación que tiene que existir, ya que no deja de ser un juego donde los jugadores nuevos necesitan recursos para empezar. Pero esto no quiere decir que no haya que contrarrestarla. En los sistemas económicos más fuertes, la inflación (Imprimir dinero) es una aberración, algo que en PokeMMO se hace de forma indirecta farmeando NPC's. No estoy en contra del farmeo de NPC's, es algo necesario en el juego. El problema empieza cuando hay miles de personas farmeando todos los NPC's en 3 cuentas distintas, están en su libertad de hacerlo y no los juzgo por hacerlo, no soy quien. Pero no podemos negar que es un problema para el juego, un problema para nosotros. Así que en vez de evitar que esas personas hagan eso, generando inflacion y desequilibrio monetario, propongo un sistema para contrarrestar ese dinero de más, incentivando a los jugadores a seguir jugando, poder volver a invertir en vanity's con el dinero en circulación y eliminar/reducir la inflación: Cómo se puede lograr esto ? Dándole una "dificultad" más haya de solo tener el dinero (3,720,000¥ o 1,500 RP) para comprar el vanity. Me refiero al factor "Cantidad" ya mencionada, si en vez de comprar el vanity de entrada, compraríamos un sobre con "X" cantidad de objetivos/ropa en los que en una de ellas te pueda tocar el vanity de evento. Esto haría que en vez de comprar el vanity al precio ya mencionado, tengas la opción de comprar 3 sobres, y está la posibilidad de que salga, o que no salga. Haciendo que se gaste más y baje la cantidad de dinero en circulación, haciendo que baje la inflación. Esto te beneficia, ya que aparte de bajar la inflación, hará que comprar y guardar el vanity sea una inversión real, ya que sube su Escasez, y por ende sube su demanda, ya que será un objeto realmente limitado, haciendo factible poder invertir en ellas de forma segura ya que aumentarán su precio de forma rápida, no como los vanity's de ahora. Ya terminé con el punto de la "Cantidad", ahora voy con el punto de la "Calidad" haciendo que un mismo varíe su precio, haciendo lo más exclusivo y único que antes. Esto se implementa con las funciones ya existentes en algunos vanity's en el juego. El vanity se clasificará de las siguientes formas: - Vanity Normal: ------ . - Vanity Raro: Luces . - Vanity Ultra Raro: Luces y animación. Y no olvidemos que hablamos de un mismo vanity. Es necesario que el ratio de aparición tiene que ser bajo, entre más bajo, más difícil y exclusivo se vuelve. Empezando por un 15% en su versión normal, y bajando hasta los 3% en su versión Ultra Raro (Siempre hablando del vanity raro de sobre) También cabe recordar que este sistema es totalmente Free2Play, los mecánicos de compra serán los mismos que están implementados actual mente (RP o PokeMonedas). Con esto contrarestariamos la inflación, generaríamos un valor real a los vanity's y incentivamos a los jugadores a seguir jugando y/o volver a jugar, incluso cuando lo tiene todo. Estoy seguro de que si implementamos esto, la poke moneda no perderá su valor de la forma en que lo está perdiendo actualmente, los vanity's volverán a ser una forma de inversión real, dándole razones para tryhardear a los coleccionistas y inversores, sin molestar a los casual players y generando dinero para que los desarrolladores puedan seguir invertirtiendo en el juego , cómo: eventos, mecanismos de juegos y diseñadores gráficos. Creando un juego bueno como el de antes. Pero esto depende de los jugadores y los admins. Los quiero mucho y que tengan un hermoso Thanksgiving. -Xorah -ENGLISH <3- Economic plan to revive pokemmo. To understand the following approach, you have to know that the only ways to get rich in pokemmo is in unconventional ways. Like GTL Sniping, reselling shinys or investing in vanity's (among others). Going back to the last example on the list, investing in vanity's is very common. But why ? The investment in vanity's is something that has been done since the beginning of pokemmo, but it is no longer effective, and I'll explain why: The economic value of something varies according to its: Quality and Scarcity (Quantity) And that's why the vanity's from before are worth so much, because not only were there not the number of players that there are now, but the players from before were casual players, who could connect a couple of times and never connect again. Making those vanity's super Scarce, and therefore expensive. This cannot currently happen because the number of rich players and/or investors is very large, causing the "Quality and Scarcity" pillar to collapse. The number of players individually spending over 100m on vanity's is overwhelming, making the supply far outstrip the demand. You also have to accept that in PokeMMO there is inflation, and it is getting bigger and bigger. But it is an inflation that has to exist, since it is still a game where new players need resources to start. But this does not mean that it should not be counteracted. In stronger economic systems, inflation (printing money) is an aberration, something that in PokeMMO is done indirectly by farming NPC's. I'm not against NPC's farming, it's something necessary in the game. The problem starts when there are thousands of people farming all the NPC's in 3 different accounts, they are free to do it and I don't judge them for doing it, I'm not the one. But we can't deny that it's a problem for the game, a problem for us. So instead of preventing these people from doing that, generating inflation and monetary imbalance, I propose a system to counteract that extra money, encouraging players to continue playing, being able to reinvest in vanity's with the money in circulation and eliminate/ reduce inflation: How can you get this ? Giving it a "difficulty" more than just having the money (3,720,000 ¥ or 1,500 RP) to buy the vanity. I am referring to the "Quantity" factor already mentioned, if instead of buying the entry vanity, we would buy an envelope with "X" amount of objectives/clothes in which one of them can touch the event vanity. This would mean that instead of buying the vanity at the already mentioned price, you have the option of buying 3 envelopes, and there is the possibility that it will come out, or that it will not come out. Making more spending and lowering the amount of money in circulation, causing inflation to fall. This benefits you, since apart from lowering inflation, it will make buying and saving the vanity a real investment, since its Scarcity increases, and therefore its demand increases, since it will be a really limited object, making it feasible to invest in them safely as they will increase their price quickly, not like the vanity's of now. I'm done with the "Quantity" point, now I'm going with the "Quality" point, making the same price vary, making it more exclusive and unique than before. This is implemented with the already existing functions in some vanity's in the game. The vanity will be classified in the following ways: -Vanity Normal: ------ . - Vanity Rare: Lights. - Vanity Ultra Rare: Lights and animation. And let's not forget that we are talking about the same vanity. It is necessary that the spawn rate has to be low, the lower, the more difficult and exclusive it becomes. Starting with 15% in its normal version, and going down to 3% in its Ultra Rare version (Always talking about the rare vanity envelope) It should also be remembered that this system is totally Free2Play, the purchase mechanics will be the same as those currently implemented (RP or PokeCoins). With this we would counteract inflation, we would generate real value for vanity's and we encourage players to continue playing and/or play again, even when they have everything. I'm sure if we implement this, the poke coin won't lose its value the way it is currently losing it, vanity's will go back to being a form of real investment, giving collectors and investors reasons to tryhard, without upsetting the casual players and generating money so that developers can continue investing in the game, how: events, game mechanisms and graphic designers. Creating a good game like before. But this depends on the players and the admins. I love you very much and have a beautiful Thanksgiving. -Xorah -中国人- 复兴神奇宝贝的经济计划。 要理解下面的说法,你必须知道,只有通过非常规的方式才能在神奇宝贝中致富。 GTL 如何狙击、转售闪亮物品或投资虚荣心(以及其他)。 回到清单上的最后一个例子,投资虚荣心是很常见的。 但为什么 ? 虚荣心的投资是从pokemmo开始就一直在做的事情,但是现在已经没有效果了,我来解释一下原因: 某物的经济价值根据其变化:质量和稀缺性(数量) 也正因如此,之前的虚荣心才这么值钱,因为不仅没有现在的玩家数量,而且之前的玩家都是休闲玩家,连上几次就再也连不上了。 使那些虚荣心超级稀缺,因此价格昂贵。 这目前不可能发生,因为富人和/或投资者的数量非常多,导致“质量和稀缺性”支柱崩溃。 个人在时装上花费超过 1 亿的玩家数量多得惊人,导致供大于求。 您还必须接受 PokeMMO 中存在通货膨胀,而且越来越大。 但这是必须存在的通货膨胀,因为它仍然是一个新玩家需要资源才能开始的游戏。 但这并不意味着它不应该被抵消 在更强大的经济体系中,通货膨胀(印钞)是一种反常现象,在 PokeMMO 中,这种现象是由种植 NPC 间接造成的。 我不反对NPC种田,这在游戏中是必须的。 当有成千上万的人在 3 个不同的帐户中耕种所有 NPC 时,问题就开始了,他们可以自由地做这件事,我不会因为他们这样做而评判他们,我不是那个人。 但我们不能否认这是比赛的问题,是我们的问题。 因此,我没有阻止这些人这样做,导致通货膨胀和货币失衡,而是提出一个系统来抵消额外的钱,鼓励玩家继续玩,能够用流通的钱再投资于虚荣心并消除/减少通货膨胀: 你怎么能得到这个? 给它一个“困难”,而不是仅仅有钱(3,720,000 ¥ 或 1,500 RP)来购买虚荣心。 我指的是已经提到的“数量”因素,如果我们不购买入口时装,而是购买一个装有“X”数量目标/衣服的信封,其中一个可以触及事件时装。 这意味着您可以选择购买 3 个信封,而不是以已经提到的价格购买梳妆台,并且有可能会出现,也可能不会出现。 增加支出并减少流通中的货币量,从而导致通货膨胀率下降。 这对你有好处,因为除了降低通货膨胀之外,它会使购买和保存虚荣心成为一项真正的投资,因为它的稀缺性增加了,因此它的需求增加了,因为它是一个非常有限的对象,使得安全地投资于它们成为可能因为他们会迅速提高价格,而不是像现在的虚荣心。 我已经完成了“数量”点,现在我要处理“质量”点,使相同的价格有所不同,使其比以前更加独特和独特。 这是通过游戏中某些虚荣心中已有的功能实现的。 梳妆台将按以下方式分类: -虚荣正常:------。 - 虚荣心稀有:灯光。 - Vanity Ultra Rare:灯光和动画。 别忘了我们在谈论同样的虚荣心。 产卵率必须低,越低,难度和排他性就越大。 从普通版本的 15% 开始,到 Ultra Rare 版本下降到 3%(总是谈论稀有的时装信封) 还应记住,该系统完全是 Free2Play,购买机制与当前实施的机制(RP 或 PokeCoins)相同。 有了这个,我们将抵消通货膨胀,我们将为虚荣创造真正的价值,我们鼓励玩家继续玩和/或再次玩,即使他们拥有一切。 我敢肯定,如果我们实施了这一点,poke 硬币将不会像现在这样失去它的价值,虚荣心将重新成为一种真正的投资形式,让收藏家和投资者有理由努力尝试,而不会让偶然的人感到不安玩家和赚钱,以便开发者可以继续投资于游戏,方式:事件、游戏机制和图形设计师。 像以前一样创造一个好游戏。 但这取决于玩家和管理员。 我非常爱你,祝你有个美好的感恩节。 -Xorah
  5. Me parece un insulto a la imagen de Oneto que lo estes usando para tus faltas de respeto a la inteligencia foros de internet . Un saludo
  6. Que digas todo esto solo muestra tu ignorancia y tu falta de comprecion lectora. Tratas de mezclar el RNG de pvp con el RNG de unas CAJAS , algo totalmente absurdo y riduclo mires donde lo mires. Lo que dices que el staff no necesita dinero para hacer estas cosas ya lo se porque ya un usuario de este hilo lo dijo, pero al parecer no sabes el termino de PROPUESTA y eso que te escribo en tu idioma natal. Yo propongo un sistema para recaudar dinero y se vuelva a invertir en el juego. Lo cual no afectara los ingresos de los Admins, es mas, aumentara y por eso es que se lo propongo, IGNORANTE. Eso que dices que es solo poner codigos y bla bla bla, resalta mas tu ignorancia, la programacion no es algo facil y si lo fuese no serian tan caro las craciones de juegos. Este sistema tambien ayuda a financiar programadores de clidad en el juego, cosa que no hay ya que hay cosmeticos bugeados desde 2016, dise;adores graficos para podes hacer vanitys mas lindos y llamativos, y alguien que se encarge de saber lo que le gusta a la gente generalmente para poder implementarlo en el juego haciendo que los vanitys seam mucho mas llamativo para la mayor cantidad del publico. Lo que dices de que un jugador casual no podria conseguir las ya mencionadas cajas sigue llevando a luz tu falta de comprecion lectura, esta duda o cosulta ya la respondi. los jugadores que por X motivo no quiera o no puedan compra cajas tendran la opcion de farmearlas en eventos que se FINANCIARAN con una parte de lo recaudado de los gachas, tambien dices que hay mejores opciones para el juego, pero ninguno es una solucion real para el juego porque como tu mismo hiciste alucion, lo admins no quieres soltar los billetes, por eso yo propongo esta idea. para que no tengan que soltarse un duro . este sistema es un sistema autosistentado por los mismos jugadores. panoli\ \ That you say all this only shows your ignorance and your lack of reading comprehension. You try to mix the RNG of pvp with the RNG of some BOXES, something totally absurd and ridiculous wherever you look at it. What you say that the staff does not need money to do these things I already know because a user of this thread already said it, but apparently you do not know the term PROPOSAL and that I am writing to you in your native language. I propose a system to raise money and reinvest it in the game. Which will not affect the income of the Admins, it is more, it will increase and that is why I propose it, IGNORANT. What you say is just putting codes and blah blah blah, highlights your ignorance more, programming is not something easy and if you do it, game creations would not be so expensive. This system also helps to finance quality programmers in the game, which there is not since there are bugged cosmetics since 2016, graphic designers so you can make prettier and more striking vanities, and someone who is in charge of knowing what you like. people generally to be able to implement it in the game making the vanitys much more attractive for the greater amount of the public. What you say that a casual player could not get the aforementioned boxes continues to bring to light your lack of reading understanding, I already answered this question or query. players who for X reasons do not want or cannot buy boxes will have the option to farm them in events that will be FUNDED with a part of the proceeds from the porridge, you also say that there are better options for the game, but none is a real solution for the game because as you mentioned yourself, the admins don't want to release the tickets, that's why I propose this idea. so they don't have to drop a dime. this system is a self-supporting system by the players themselves. panoli
  7. I don't know who you are but I admire you xD
  8. Una critica muy constructiva, gracias por aportar tanto a la comunidad xD
  9. Gracias por leer, pero me hubiera gustada que leas todo lo que puse, dentro del sistema gacha la verdadera finalidad es poder recaudar DINERO para invertir en MINI JUEGO Y EVENTOS. Literalmente perdi la cuenta de cuantas veces lo dije ya, pon Ctrl+F para ver todas la veces que lo dije ya, el gacha no es divertido en si, la gracia del gacha es poder sacar algo que es difiil de sacar y verte mejor con Particulas Exlusivas para tus pokemons o Vanitys Exlusivos para tu personaje, y a parte de obtener lo ya mencionado (si es que tienes suerte y te sale) contribuiras al desarollo de mas eventos y mini games dentro del juego. Agradeceria que leas todo, no como antes. Thanks for reading, but I would have liked you to read everything I put, within the gacha system the real purpose is to be able to raise MONEY to invest in MINI GAME AND EVENTS. I literally lost count of how many times I've already said it, type: Ctrl+F to see all the times I've already said it, gacha isn't fun in itself, the grace of gacha is being able to get something that's hard to get and see you better with Exclusive Particles for your pokemons or Exclusive Vanitys for your character, and apart from obtaining the aforementioned (if you are lucky and it works out) you will contribute to the development of more events and mini games within the game. I would appreciate if you read everything, not like before.
  10. It is a good point, I respect it and I share it. Thanks for your comment ^^
  11. Sin ofender, ya te explique que si trae nuevos eventos , mini games , etcs mi propuesta. pero dudo que tengas 3 neuronas funcionales para darte cuenta. Que el Staff no quiera invertir el dinero ganado en el juego NO es culpa mia chico rata, pero yo propongo esto para mejorar el juego, no como vos que en vez de proponer idea para mejorar el juego y satifacer la comunidad se pone a insultar como bebe porque no comparte una idea en un Foro. Das verguenza ajena y quiero que sepas bien una cosa, la misma cosa que dijiste arriba las respondi 3 veces en este hilo y sigues sacando mierda por tu boca. Te invito a aprender modales, y que uses ese tiempo libre que tienes en tratar de ser productivo para esta comunidad en vez de seguir empeorandola. Con esta propuesta no hay excucsa. Without offending, I already explained that if it brings new events, mini games, etc, my proposal. but I doubt you have 3 functional neurons to notice. That the Staff does not want to invest the money earned in the game is NOT my fault, rat boy, but I propose this to improve the game, not like you who, instead of proposing an idea to improve the game and satisfy the community, start insulting like drink because you don't share an idea in a Forum. You are embarrassing and I want you to know one thing well, the same thing you said above I answered 3 times in this thread and you keep getting shit out of your mouth. I invite you to learn manners, and to use that free time you have in trying to be productive for this community instead of continuing to make it worse. With this proposal there is no excuse.
  12. true, the gacha system without pokemons still seems like a perfect system that should be implemented in pokemmo ^^
  13. 1- As I said before in this thread, if you want a pokemon comp for your team it will be more worth raising it than looking for it in the BOX. 2- If you think that having a 6x31 team will make you win a duel, you are totally wrong and it shows your lack of knowledge in pvp. 3-It is not pay 2 win because victory depends on what you do because pokemon is a game of strategy, the one with the best IVs does not win, the one who knows how to play and has the best experience wins. that is why the cloning of pokemons in other franchises does not affect the competitive. because no matter how many pokemons you have, you won't be good if you don't know how to play
  14. It is not that, my idea of a chest will not replace the way of looking for shiny since there will be more chance that you will get a shiny looking for it than in BOX. In addition, another thing that occurred to me was that there are possibilities that if you get a pokemon, it cannot be exchanged or in another case that it can. that would make it more fun. Also I repeat again, if you want a shiny metagross it will be more worth buying it with your money in gtl than trying to get it in gacha (besides there is a possibility that your shiny Metagross cannot be exchanged and it will not affect the gtl). Also, if you don't like the idea of pokemons, how about a system of exclusive particles and vantiys that can only be obtained by boxes? Like the mythical Ban Hammer with only 0.01% of it coming out. That would even have more youtubers uploading videos of opening boxes CS:GO style and will also indirectly advertise the game. A greeting and thanks for giving your opinion ^^
  15. Your comment is very productive, it will surely help the game improve. For more people like you lmao
  16. Well, then if you do not agree with the gacha system because it is P2W according to you, what do you think if the hidden ability pokemos are removed from the idea? There is no longer that so-called Pay2Win. I would like to know your opinion on that. Thanks for your comment ^^
  17. all successful games need income, and the best current income method in all current fashion games or those that remained on the market despite the years are those who adopted the gacha system and knew how to use it productively. And what Kyu put seems to me to be a lack of respect for the intelligence of the players, it is obvious that pokemmo has a poor staff team (not all of them, some are very good at what they do). but it is impossible to dedicate the necessary time to pokemmo and the necessary desire when it does not generate anything for you. Because that's how the world works PSD: "very good at producing results" *one of the most important events in the game is delayed 2 months*
  18. Keep in mind that you did not lose, a % of the money you used in that gacha will be used to finance the event that you will play to recover what you lost and have fun with your friends. Have a nice day and thanks for commenting ^^
  19. music is relative, there is no good or bad music. Also, it seems to me that your comment does not contribute anything to the project, I would appreciate it if you put something intelligent or productive for the community. have a nice day ^^
  20. I understand and respect your opinion and I assure you that we have already taken it into account, it will clearly change the GTL, but remember that pokemmo veterans only see the game as a chat simulator, since they have nothing else to do, they only It remains to buy vanitys x50 or more. and you think that does not affect the gtl? Doesn't it affect new players? What I'm looking to do with this new system is give people something to do within the game. And if you didn't realize the pvp has a terrible match making, the events are delayed or do not reach the expectations of the most experienced players. and all this due to lack of staff resources to pay someone who does a decent job, we need people who earn a living working on the game and the only way to finance quality designers, developers, marketing, moderators, is paying them a salary. Greetings have a nice day ^^
  21. Hola Edward, gracias por tu tiempo, se valora. Ese punto que comentas es el unico y mas criticado de la propuesta. Pero como ya mencione, los jugadores que no quieren o no pueden permitirse el lujo de ingrasar dinero al juego tienen la opcion de ganar las mencionadas CAJAS en un Daily Login (Que aparte de incentivar a los jugadores a entrar al juego), tambien le dara la oportunidad de conseguir CAJA. Tambien otra cosa que propuse dentro del este mismo hilo, fue el crear mini juegos que tendran x% de que te salga una CAJA al realizar exitosamente el mini evento, tambien otra idea que tuve fue la de crear eventos (Mas dificiles y complejos) pero menos frecuentes que tendran un mayor probablilidad que te drope una CAJA. Estos eventos se financiaran con parte del dinero de los jugadores que compraron cajas por dinero real. Ademas cave recalcar que mi idea de CAJAS se compraran con RP en tienda (aparte de las otras formas ya mencionadas), y esta mas que claro que dentro del juego el RP se puede conseguir con Poke Monedas, y eso tambien hara que el farmeo sea mas gratificante para los jugadores que ya no saben que hacer con su dinero. Ya que un gran problema de este juego es que luego de tener mucho dinero en el juego solo te queda comprar vanitys y esperar en carmin hasta que su precio suba XD. Pero con este metodo gacha hara que los que tienen mucho dinero en el juego gasten su dinero del juego, y lo mas interesante es que NO ASEGURA NADA, que le metas 100m en caja no asegura que te salga el Pokemon o Vanity Exclusivo que buscas. Gracias por leer y tomarte tu tiempo de contra proponer o disolver tus dudas ^^ Hi Edward, thanks for your time, it is appreciated. That point you mention is the only and most criticized of the proposal. But as I already mentioned, players who don't want or can't afford to put money into the game have the option to win the aforementioned BOXES in a Daily Login (which apart from incentivizing players to enter the game), will also give you the opportunity to get BOX. Also another thing that I proposed within this same thread, was to create mini games that will have x% that you get a BOX when successfully performing the mini event, also another idea that I had was to create events (More difficult and complex) but Less frequent they will have a higher chance of dropping you a BOX. These events will be financed with part of the money of the players who bought boxes for real money. Also, it should be emphasized that my idea of BOXES will be bought with RP in the store (apart from the other ways already mentioned), and it is more than clear that within the game RP can be obtained with Poke Coins, and that will also make farming easier. more rewarding for players who no longer know what to do with their money. Since a big problem with this game is that after having a lot of money in the game, you only have to buy vanitys and wait in carmine until its price goes up XD. But with this gacha method it will make those who have a lot of money in the game spend their game money, and the most interesting thing is that it DOES NOT ENSURE ANYTHING, that you put 100m in the box does not guarantee that you will get the Exclusive Pokemon or Vanity that you are looking for. Thank you for reading and taking your time to counter-propose or resolve your doubts ^^
  22. I don't know what to answer you specifically since I don't play genshi. but i will just say that genshi has 10 million daily players and has generated more than 2 billion dollars in 1 year. Greetings and have a nice day ^^
  23. Yes, the biggest criticism of this proposal is the use of real money, but it is not real money directly. The idea is that it is bought through pvp or won by event. and the good thing about pokemmo that you can get rp without spending real money and that's what most people find difficult to understand. Thank you for commenting respectfully and giving your opinion ^^
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