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Everything posted by Jawi95

  1. It would be nice to know when it's going to come out, to see if it's worth waiting or not
  2. When johto came out, the "ocarina pack" item was seen in the update which supposedly contains all the ocarinas in the game. I don't have any, and I was waiting for something like this so I could get all of them at once, but this item isn't in the game yet. Does anyone know when it will be available? Thank you.
  3. It is not clear to me, there are people who say that it is ONLY the Johto pokedex, and others say that it is the national one, the complete one, the 600-odd pokemon, with your EO. Which is the right answer?
  4. A mi me paso eso, al comenzar la región, el profesor me decía algo del magnetotren, en vez del dialogo normal. Todos los diálogos estaban cambiados, y era porque la rom no estaba en español. Busqué otra que si estaba en español, y se arregló. Antes de entrar al juego me saltaba un aviso diciéndome esto mismo.
  5. First of all, I am Spanish. I'm in a club with people who are mostly from Latin America, and only 2 or 3 of us are Spanish. When I started playing this game in the summer, the club was active, they held events, etc, the chat didn't stop... in short, it was alive. I played until halloween, and there I stopped until a couple of weeks ago when I came back, and the club has gotten much worse. There is hardly anyone left from when I joined. Events that were attended by 30-40 people are no longer attended by even 5 people. And according to what the creator of my club says, he has contact with other clubs and it is a reality, it is happening with more clubs, just as it is happening to us in our club, people are stopping playing, the game is dying. I wanted to ask you, whether you speak English or Spanish, it doesn't matter. Is this happening at your club? Are you noticing that people gradually stop playing? Thank you and good night!
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