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Everything posted by Valerie42

  1. Got it. Will there possibly be other uses for these Pearls in the future, for people with too many of them, or with no competitive ambitions?
  2. But you need to *already have the HA*, which, so far seems to only be from the alphas? Which spawn super rarely? Correct me if I'm wrong here
  3. Well yes, but you'd need those HAs you already have to be mons you want to breed, and are competitively viable.... Seems like a really rare use case. I guess my issue is less with the amount and more with the item
  4. I feel like Prismatic Pearls are so limited in what they can do, I mean, they can transfer HA status, sure, but only within the same species evo line?? I guess it's good for breeding and not risking your HA mon, but other than that...? What do you need 28 of them for. I kinda hope we get some use of them as currency for... something. idk what.
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