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Posts posted by Alphatron

  1. It will be active, even if I have to make a whole slew of new forum accounts and post fake conversations!!

    I will not be the King of a dead Team thread!!

    Youre too late. 


    WoW time expired today.


    I wonder if I should get more time. I mean this game might update in the next 30 days or something and I might want to play.

    Just get more time. Not like the new content is anything to uguu your pants over. 


    EDIT: Uguu was supposed to be the derogatory spelling of Come  

  2. From http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of_rights_transcript.html

    Amendment I
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Someone else editing your text is their own exercise of the Amendment stated above (if they live in America). The Amendment only prohibits the Congress of the United States of America from "abridging the freedom...or the right" to it's own citizens, not something online. However since this is the Internet, and therefor an international entity, you cannot very well press one country's law(s) on everyone as a whole. And by the way, anything in the Forum would be freedom of the press, not speech (since we are not talking).

    And to Fred too, I'd quote you but WOT.

    As Americans yes we can say what we want to, but there are consequences for doing so on certain subjects or for the way you do it. For example, there was this kid I knew in high school who would spew shit on Facebook about how he didn't support our troops and would spit on their graves(basically what you would expect from a WBC member) well one day he decided to spew that shit on a post I made about my brother who serves. He went on about how he was a coward and would dance on his grave if and when he's killed. So naturally I went as low and derogatory as i thought I could and said some things I wouldn't ever say now that I'm older and realize that a response is what people like that want. A few weeks later I get a letter in the mail telling me charges had been filed against me and I had to appear in court all because I made this kid "feel threatened". I was free to say the things I did, but it had a consequence. That was the point I was getting at.
  3. Sometimes, I think discussions can be deleted because we have all seen those "update pls I can't live ermageeeerd" , "I lost my pokemon to this guy, he scammed me." and "Why was I banned? me no understand." kind of posts a billion times before. Another reason is that sometimes a discussion goes so far off track that nothing can be gained from having the thread up. Although, a couple of these slip through the cracks and go on far too long quite often. Also, a little over 60% of the world doesn't have "free speech". So to say it is a right that *all* people have is not entirely accurate. Whether or not they "should" is an entirely different discussion. The Internet is not America. The Internet gives no rights to anyone. Everyone is on the same playing field. For now...  :)

    Being an American doesn't grant you the right free speech. You have the right to say what you want at your own risk, there are repercussions just like anywhere else. Also there are no guarantees what you say can't be twisted or edited or cut out all together, there is no real free speech. Compared to some other places maybe, but it also comes with other issues those places don't deal with.
  4. I had that one thread? I must have slept a lot since that one thread.
    This is the worst kind of censorship.

    That's almost as bad as the word perpetual.
  5. it's so true.
    when i got WoW i pretty much stopped playing pokemmo, but i'm sure i'll be back when my WoW time expires.

    What I said plus we kind of like each other, but we don't like a whole lot of other people so to avoid trying to make new friends we just continue to beat the dead horse.
  6. If you are reading those other forums, Braixen made a really good post in one of the threads in regards to how to act between communities, you might want to read it if you won't listen to me about it.


    If you missed it thread, page 2 of offtopic, page 4 of the thread at the top.

    Ill check it out. In all honesty, Im just having a good laugh about the whole thing. 

  7. yes, the game he is working on is another pokemon mmo. i can actually see why the staff here would be pretty mad about it since he's kinda completely ripping off their rom idea and all, because he's doing it that way as well. although at the same time i feel like the staff shouldn't be so mad, because why are they upset that someone else wants to make a game too? what ever happened to "No bullshit, just games" because it seems like they want a bit more bullshit than they do games right now.

    Its because bullshit is easier for them to implement than actual game content. 

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