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Everything posted by Krizzirk

  1. I would like to say, or suggest, that the rematch with NPC Trainers are a lil tad too much. I recently got a Pokemon I was looking for, but it started to be low level. When I saw one of the trainers NPC has exclamation mark on it, I guessed correctly that it means its a rematch. I was hoping that a rematch with a then-level-19ish NPC Trainer would help the growth and progress of the Pokemon that I got, to help it level up. Instead, what trainer that i faced was already lvl 38-40. Isn't that, I don't know, quite a bit of turn off, if I must say? Aren't we supposed to be the protagonists? xD
  2. My game design hobby has just been rekindled thanks to this awesome PokeMMO. I'll be around to contribute and have fun, pleased to make your acquaintance. I apology if this came out blunt, I just don't know what to say to intro myself while I'm basking in the glorious gorgeous of this PokeMMO that be. Friends?
  3. Hello! I'm new to this community and to all this Pokemon MMO thing. By the way, to answer your question, any HM that you have acquired, and taught to Pokemon, for example your Pidgeotto, you've gotta left click on your Pidgeotto icon at the right pane of your screeen, and select Use Fly. Then you'll be prompted to select your desired location EDIT: Like the reply above, you also need to fulfill prerequisite for each HM in order to use them. For example, in Kanto, youve gotta beat Lt Surge of the Third Gym in order to use the Fly HM
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