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Everything posted by Treygon

  1. I have been trying to collect all the Arceus plate forms for the Pokedex since 2020, but it has been really hard to do so due to trouble finding Arceus or having it released into the wild the second it has been captured. I am asking, but can there be a way to get Arceus forms easier, like allowing tricks on Arceus plates in battle or something like that, or when you catch Arceus, all their forms fill out are in the Pokedex? I understand that effort makes the accomplishment cool, but this legendary situation is so out of hand that it's nearly impossible to obtain Arceus unless you're part of a massive group of team's doing the legendary releasing. That alone stinks, but it even stinks more when you have to obtain Arceus 17 times, hoping each time is a different plate form, and lots of times it's not that way and its a plate form you already have, so that makes it even worse. If that is too easy, can you make it so it's easier to obtain Arceus for Pokedex collection purposes for people like me?
  2. I understand why certain legendarys are off limits for PVP reasons, but I think it would be cool if those legendarys that have no plan to be added in the future due to being too powerful could at least have their pokedex entries auto-filled for you. I mean, I kind of wish I had pokemon dex entries of stuff like Grondon, Kyogre, Darkrai, etc. Also, maybe this is probably just a me problem, but I hate looking at my Pokedex and just having missing numbers on it of pokemon I can never catch. Also, I think it would be cool to have their entries too, just because it's fun reading their type, lore, and stuff and seeing their cool picture of course.
  3. I saw this new item called a legendary lure, and I know it increases the chances of finding the legendary beasts, but I was wondering if it also increases the chances of finding the KOTH legendarys too, or not. Also, are there any good tips to increase the chance of encountering the KOTH legendarys? I want to catch them for Pokedex entry reasons.
  4. Does the legendary lure increase your odds of finding the KOTH legendarys as well or just the beasts,etc?
  5. Can you still encounter a OT suicune if you have had a non OT suicune?
  6. Can you still encounter suicune in the wild if you own one that's not your ot?
  7. Me and my friend one day were hunting for Mewtwo and we spent hours trying to find it in the wild and later it said Mewtwo has been abandoned by it's trainer and can be found in the wild so we wasted all that time... I'm suggesting that maybe there can be a command for legendarys or a little tab on the side on the map that shows the legendary of the region and that says valid meaning available and invalid which means not available in the wild and maybe if it's invalid maybe show a icon of what channel the legendary is located in and a legendary icon on the map kinda like a swarm of where it is like for example a mewtwo head in (x) city or route (x) and it moves depending on where the player is so its easyer to find and and hunt instead of waste time like I did for no reason looking for it in the wild not knowing if it's valid or not. If the tab thing is too much maybe add a command like /status Mewtwo then it will say in the wild or maybe say in verm ch 1 Just an idea I had
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