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  1. Isn't there a version for Linux? I tried to run it via WineHQ, but it doesn't work, WineHQ doesn't have PowerShell.
  2. Is there no way to know when an Alpha event is happening? Is there no pattern, for example, hourly?
  3. My doubt is about the Pokémon Alpha. When do they hatch in the overworld? Is there a specific time of day when a random Alpha appears? How does it work? And how can I learn more about it? (I apologize if there's anything written incorrectly as I'm not fluent in the English language.) Minha dúvida é sobre os Pokémon Alpha. Quando eles eclodem no overworld? Existe um horário específico do dia em que um Alpha aleatório aparece? Como isso funciona? E como posso aprender mais sobre isso? (Peço desculpas se há algo escrito incorretamente, pois não sou fluente na língua inglesa.)
  4. Your mod is amazing, I created an account here on the forum just to say that! 🤣🤣
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