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  1. I understand, but I cannot accept it. This is just a farce, I didn't do anything. I play this game every day, four years. and it feels like family to me
  2. So I chose to come to the forum. Or do you know how to get support?
  3. He just wanted to joke with me, he didn't know he would succeed, after all, there was no ID card from anyone in the evidence video
  4. I have been banned because my friend searched for someone else's illegal videos online as evidence to report my account, in order to maliciously frame me. In the end, he won, and I was very angry😡. I was falsely accused. I went to appeal, but it was rejected. So I came to the forum for help, but the administrator's response was very cold and told me to switch to another game to play. But I think, why did a game that I spent a lot of time and energy end up with such a negative outcome. I request that the official unblock my account🫡
  5. 我最近被一个死对头恶意举报,他拿着别处找来的伪证,举报我,导致我被封号,明明自己什么也没干,明明是无辜的,想来论坛寻求帮助,结果官方的回复是请我另外寻找游戏??? 我玩了几年的游戏,被人诬陷就直接封了? 我要投诉,给我投诉电话,谢谢
  6. 我试过了申诉,并说明自己是被误封的,结果是官方的机器人回复驳回,并且不能再次提起申诉,并且被封账号还不能提起任何帮助,我该怎么办啊,我真的什么也没开,我发誓,纯纯的手打号,玩了两三年了,现在越想越气,但也无助
  7. 近期在一个pokemmo的一个工会群里,分享了我出闪的事情,群里有人眼红直接恶意举报我,拿着网上找寻的别人开脚本的视频去举报我。结果一小时后我就被封了,系统显示第三方违禁。 我真的很无语,明明自己什么也没开,纯手打号,就因为炫耀了自己出的闪,导致被别人拿着虚假的证据来举报我,结果还成功了。 天理何在😡
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