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  1. 问题是能解封我也不会有什么怨言啊,抓脚本抓外挂这个能理解,被误伤了这个也能理解,毕竟一般游戏抓外挂脚本这些都是宁杀错不放过的,但是你抓完了就不能再审核一遍么,正常人放在脚本外挂堆里这个还不算显眼么,也不捞下,而且稍微观察下玩家行为也行啊,这几天我一直都在配天王队孵蛋试探性的挑战天王,这个是脚本能做的事情么
  2. 出现了这么大规模的被封号的情况,也没有管理大佬肯多关注下处理下,就只是让提工单 要是提工单真的有用的话谁来发帖子啊QAQ,昨天被封提申述今天就是被驳回,一眼就是机器人处理的 你说我用脚本,用外挂可是我真没用啊,你也不肯标记下,都玩了一年多了突然告诉我客户端被篡改,说封就封,一申述就驳回,也不肯有任何交流 球球啦人工审核一次吧,别让人工智障来封我的账号好不好QAQ 用户id:13814227;这个是收据号上的用户id
  3. Please help me, Halloween is coming soon. I missed it last year for various reasons, and I don't want to miss it again this year T_T
  4. I would also like to add some additional information I have enough gold coins on my account to exchange for sponsorship points through the trading bank, but I know this will not be of any help to you So I still chose to use my own money to directly sponsor you If I were a player who used third-party software to earn profits I definitely wouldn't do this
  5. 我被提示因为使用了第三方违禁软件而封禁 因为此前已经有过类似的问题,而且也有很多周围的朋友也遭遇了这个问题 我以为只是一次因为大范围处理使用第三方违禁软件的账号而导致的误封 因为我本身可以确认我并没有使用过第三方违禁软件 所以我很自信的提交了申述 但是我收到了一份冰冷无情的回复 我是在去年的10月27日因为朋友的邀请加入这个游戏的 那个时候我才刚刚大学毕业,在家待业的过程接触到了这个游戏 后来因为疫情与工作的原因有很长一段时间没有时间继续游玩了 (插一个题外话,如果是使用第三方软件的人不可能会放弃中途这么长的时间不进行任何操作,因为本身使用自动化软件并不需要精力) 在最近工作稳定后我重新回归了游戏,并且看到了新的地区开放我也很高兴的完成了全地区通关并且开始备战天王 但是由于工作的问题并没有长时间在线的能力 只有一早一晚有时间对天王进行攻略 (如果你们有我的游戏记录的话那应该是能看见我的失败,努力,与进步的) 其它的时间都是通过上班的间隔偶尔上线去抓捕头目与盗取用于挑战天王的护肤金币,或者在各个地区通过聚宝功赚取少量的金币补贴药剂消耗 在这个过程中,我绝对没有使用任何的第三方软件 (只有偶尔因为工作原因响应了QQ,与微信等信息) 而且因为工作比较顺利,我还充值了赞助点支持了你们的游戏 但是2天过去了,周围的朋友都正常的解封了,只有我还是被保持了封禁并且失去了再次申诉的机会 所以我来这里寻求帮助 这里附上我的充值订单记录 我希望能得到管理员的再次审核帮我解除封禁 感谢 I was prompted to be banned for using third-party prohibited software Because there have been similar problems before, and many friends around us have also encountered this problem I thought it was just a mistake caused by the widespread processing of accounts using third-party prohibited software Because I can confirm myself that I have not used any third-party prohibited software So I confidently submitted my statement But I received a cold and heartless reply I joined this game on October 27th last year due to an invitation from a friend At that time, I had just graduated from college and came into contact with this game while waiting for work at home Later, due to the pandemic and work reasons, there was no time to continue playing for a long time (By the way, if someone is using third-party software, they cannot give up on not doing anything for such a long time midway, because using automation software itself does not require effort) After stabilizing my work recently, I have returned to the game and saw a new region open. I am also happy to complete the clearance of the entire region and start preparing for the King of Heaven But due to work issues, I don't have the ability to be online for a long time Only one morning and one night have time to attack the Heavenly King If you have my game record, you should be able to see my failures, efforts, and progress At other times, I occasionally go online during work breaks to catch the leader and steal skincare coins used to challenge the Heavenly King, or earn small amounts of coins through Jubao Gong in various regions to subsidize medication consumption During this process, I absolutely did not use any third-party software (Only occasionally responded to QQ and WeChat messages due to work reasons) And because the work went smoothly, I also recharged the sponsorship point to support your game But two days have passed, and all the friends around me have been lifted normally. Only I have been kept banned and lost the opportunity to appeal again So I came here to seek help Attached is my recharge order record I hope to receive another review from the administrator to help me lift the ban
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