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  1. The point is that I believe my ban was a mistake. they claim RMT but I didn't, I'm trying to contact support and Admins in every way possible but so far I haven't gotten answers.
  2. I was recently banned in pokemmo accused of committing RMT, I want to understand what I did to deserve a ban, the acts I had within the game that caused me to be banned. I opened an appeal ticket asking for explanations and it was denied without showing the evidence, I come again to try to understand and ask for the proof of what I did to deserve this ban. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
  3. pauleraxzn was my character's name, I was permanently banned with the claim that I conducted RMT within the game, which unfortunately is a big mistake, I'm a new player in the game with only 300 hours, I only played to farm and play but I played them all Every day, I always used the resources within the game a lot but nothing outside, unfortunately on 03/20/2024 I was banned with this accusation, I opened an appeal ticket for bans asking for clarification and the actions I took within the game that made the mods If they think I committed RMT, I want proof that I actually did it. Because I have a clear conscience that I did not commit this act, I was playing every day and the game was a way to help me escape reality, since I go through problems such as anxiety and recent loss of family members, the game was mine refuge, 300 hours in a few months, I have never done RMT, I need clarification, I need you to contain what I did for the ban to be FAIR!I'm completely lost and when I opened the ticket they simply DENIED everything! I need this answer, I'm completely helpless, I don't want to stop playing the game because I'm simply banned for no REASON.Thank you in advance for your understanding and I really think this was all just a mistake, I really hope for an answer, thank you very much to everyone who reads this!
  4. pauleraxzn era o nome do meu personagem, levei ban permanentemente com a afirmação que conduzi RMT dentro do game, oque infelizmente é um grande engano, sou um player novato no game com apenas 300 horas, jogava somente para farmar e brincar mas jogava todos os dias, sempre usei bastante os recursos dentro do game mas nada fora, infelizmente dia 20/03/2024 levei ban com essa acusação, abri ticket de apelo para bans pedindo o esclarecimento e as atitudes que eu tomei dentro do jogo que fizeram os mods pensarem que eu cometi RMT, quero as provas que eu realmente fiz isso. Pois estou com a consciencia limpa de que não cometi esse ato, estava jogando todos os dias e o jogo era uma maneira de me ajudar a fugir da realidade, visto que passo por problemas como ansiedade e recente com perda de familiares, o jogo foi meu refugio, 300 horas em poucos meses, nunca fiz RMT, preciso de um esclarecimento, preciso que me contém oque eu fiz para o banimento ser JUSTO! Estou completamente perdido e quando abri ticket simplesmente NEGARAM tudo! Preciso dessa resposta, estou completamente sem CHÃO, não quero parar de jogar o game por simplesmente ser banido sem MOTIVO. Desde já agradeço a compreensão de vocês e realmente acho que isso tudo foi apenas um engano, realmente espero uma resposta muito obrigado a todos que lerem isso!
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