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  1. Hello guys, while I was leveling up my pokemon for E4 today, I came across shiny Beheeyem, this is my first shiny pokemon, but I don't know the price, I need the knowledge of experienced friends.
  2. I actually took a break from the game because of this, thinking that maybe I would want to play it again later and start enjoying it, but since I knew that what I could do after the game was limited, that desire didn't come. Right now I have a few more stories to play, but after that the fact that pve will have almost no meaning is causing me to stay away from the game.
  3. Hello guys, I finished Unova a few months ago and took a break from the game for a while, now I'm back and I have no idea what to do. Actually I have an idea but I want to ask you if it's right or not. I want to save some money before moving on to the next region but I don't know what else I can do in Unova other than catching and selling Litwick. I'd be happy if you could give me information about the next steps.
  4. It's been 2-3 days since I beat Elite 4 and I've been undecided about what to do since then. I want to create a solid team by breeding, but I get lost among the types, ability and movements of Pokemon, I don't know how to add a Pokemon to the team. For now, I'm entering the game and farming Litwick and earning money, and since I don't want this money to go to waste, I want your help in creating a team.
  5. It's unrelated to the topic, but I have one more question. How can I get Cell Battery? The kid in Opelucid City does not accept any Pokemon with Charge ability.
  6. My fault. My Banetta doesn't have the Frisk ability, it has the Insomnia ability. Since I'm new to the game, I bought the wrong pokemon.
  7. I started the game a week ago, while I was researching videos to earn money, I came across the Frisk ability and bought a Banette with the Thief move, but this pokemon does not tell me even if the opponent pokemon has an item. I also encountered Gothorita many times in the game, but even though she has the Frisk ability, sometimes she cannot see my item.
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