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  1. Finally found the staryu I was looking for, I’ve found 54 staryus and 3 alpha starmies. Does this ever end?
  2. I can’t get into the villa or Ribbon syndicate in the resort area. Would it be in there ?
  3. I appreciate the help, imma run through everything again to check again. Slowly going insane.
  4. I have, do I need a certain mon in the lead ? Like sudowoodo?
  5. Yeah I’ve checked the lakes, and the fight area/resort/survival. I never had much issues with the starmies but can’t find the first staryu
  6. I’ve caught 50/50 starmies and it says “you feel a new twinkle in eastern sinnoh” I’ve spent 2 days searching and I can’t find a staryu. What do I need to do? Are they on top of trees as well?
  7. Do I need to do anything special to find the staryu? I’ve checked everywhere with and without sudowoodo as a lead.
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